what a day. Humiliated at work and made to feel like a child, hours later I was basically told by the boss to find another job, then about an hour ago somebody nearly ran me over because they reversed without checking behind them and then decided to blame me for it. Definitely feel like I could drink myself into suicide tonight.
What an awesome day. I hope you can find another job or have some money somewhere. Getting fired is definitely not something a distressed person needs. Obviously you cannot drink yourself to death but can probably find another way to take your mind off of your terrible day.
You posted this nine hours ago…how are you holding up now Alex?
(I don’t recommend suicide by acute alcohol poisoning— it’s slow, painful, and if you survive, you’ll be a gibbering pseudo-schizophrenic for the rest of your life. Or so I hear.)
FTR I survived every time. However 1991 has some spectacular memories it can keep.
You should ask for a raise for the humiliation part.
How hung over are you? I would have poured myself into a tequila bottle. Hope you are okay.