I’m not doing well. I am beyond upset. I feel so crushed and stupid and so incredibly sad right now. Someone very close to me is probably gone now. I don’t even know what I can do or how to help myself because I’m so sleep deprived and then this shit happens. Twin if you are still here please talk to me. I said you can trust me and I don’t lie. Every word was true. Now I just feel like an idiot.
I can talk winter
I am so sad. Apparently a lot of shit went down today, here. We may have lost a few people. I m crushed.
Yea me too I feel like should be pne of them how are you holding up. And they might make it threw? We never know .
It was just the other night we were killing my husband with vegetables lol and in such a netter head space
Idk. I am going to be honest. I’m worried sick about sportsnut. We were texting today and he said tonight is the night. I haven’t heard from him since. That’s why I’m so upset.
Me to i have been emailing him for the last few hours no reply
He emailed me also and said tonight might be the night.
Have you heard from him since
I might have been able to talk him out of it but I was too messed up when he told me …foolish
It looks like he sent the email around 5:30 this afternoon, but I didn’t log on until about three hours after that. So I didn’t get to see it the moment he sent it.
I hope he is ok
It’s unusual for him to be gone.
Usually he’s here this time of night, flirting with about four women at the same time.
Without him it’s strangely quiet.
Yea ir is sad with out him
Also no reply.
Winter talk to me , lets talk threw this
I’m here.
Tell me what your thinking
Winter please dont go silent on me
Today was A bad day
Yes, it was.
I’m just sad. Horribly sleep deprived so I m not even making sense to myself. I don’t know anything anymore. But hopefully after I actually sleep (running on 3 hrs of sleep since I woke up yesterday) my mind will function better. Double shifts mess me up.
Why dont you try and get some sleep
Hello, I am a poor conversationalist.
Me too!
It would be fun to make up badges that said that.
Instead of “HELLO, MY NAME IS….”
It could say
“Hello, I am a poor conversationalist.”
Hello! I’m
What are you hiding from?
I’m going to try to sleep. Thank you for keeping me company tonight.
Sweet dreams winter hopefully things will.better in the morning
Hello, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize this until after I made my post. I hope he doesn’t go through with it 🙁
It seems highly strange that he would pick tonight.
Just last night he was flirting like mad with people.
And it looked like he and Ylem had decided to be a couple, or something like that.
So I expected he’d be a giggly giddy lovesick mess today; not a suicidal mess.
I wonder what happened.
Come to think of it…. has Ylem posted today?
They were talking about it neing there last night togther or some thing along the lines of Romeo and juilet
I guess all we can do is wait.
Honestly it would surprise me if he really was gone.
We talk about suicide a lot here, but the truth is that it’s really a difficult thing to accomplish. The body fights to stay alive, and failed attempts are very common.
Somehow I expect he will show up in another day or so.
I’m not going to worry quite yet.
If three days go by and he’s still missing, then I will worry.
Like I am currently worried sick about ToTrees, who hasn’t posted in over a week.
It looks like Ylem’s last post was two days ago, and it’s all about wanting to die violently:
Yea to tree s has been gone for awhile
I think they planned something together.
Maybe… it’s hard to tell.
If you read through the comments here:
It’s a bit sickeningly sweet and overly poetic at times, but still he mentions “juliet”, and talks about he wants to be the one to “go first” this time (a reference to Kaylee passing a few weeks ago).
So, yeah… hard to tell.
Either they’re swooning together privately, or, like you said, they planned something.
at the end it says ‘drift off evermore’ i wonder if that’s a ref to drifting away and dying? Idk
Ah crud, I do hope the nut will pop back up.. Oh man, I missed everything, I was at work… urgh…
Was work frustrating as usual?
Good night
Good night.
Here’s hoping tomorrow goes better than today.
thinks i email them