come to think about it my lifes been a mess from the start from around 8 all iv knew is pain and suffering and reality it hard to bare I now understand why I used to drink and smoke weed everyday been sober for 3 years reality is hard mentally there a lot going on that I cant cope with it all my whole lifes been a dream I could see my self from a distance but can’t stop my self
Be proud you havent just turned to drink and drugs, i havent smoked green for a little while now and yeah its made my brain even clearer (i always thought really fast when high) reality is a ***** man sorry bout it
You’ve been sober for 3 years? Congratulations. That’s hard to do.
Hay guy @mr yeah I think fast when I’m high sometime I try to multi task but my body can’t keep up if that make sense @zero Yh I’m sober thank u yeah it hard work I can cope with reality I try to escape though any means drink weed sex food now it’s found self harming fun so the battle continue
Yeah its always a struggle.
(Same thing when high brain is overactive but can make physical mistakes (missteps ect))
Haha yeah that weird most people I no are the oppersite I cant spell lol I get high I’m active want to get up and do stuff but others get high n chill :/ though that was weird but I guess in not alone now me sad
We can be sad together D 🙁 🙂
Haha yeah awsome 😀
Nothing like some lonely wollowing… together 🙂
Need a shoulder to lean on ? 😀
Yeah i guess, i dont wanna see friends go
I’m not going any were just yet unless I die by natural courses would be great lol
Happy to hear that
Thanks man