I succumbed to texting my ex. It’s a been almost 2 weeks since we vaguely texted each other. I told him that I need to be his friend and I asked him if he still even cared. He said “Yes, of course”. But he doesn’t act like it. He never asks me how I am or how my life is. It feels as if he is not my friend, not even a stranger on the street. Why am I hanging on to him like this? I’m actually starting to be completely turned off by him, sexually and in a friendly kind of way. Maybe this is what he wants. For me to just go, but he doesn’t have the heart to say it? I asked him to just say it, but he didn’t. Like if he just doesn’t want to know me anymore…. that would actually be more comforting than pretending or forcing a friendship that isn’t there.
I don’t even really feel sad, or depressed. I’m kind of pissed off. What kind of person just basically ignores you, when you try to have a friendly connection. And I honestly feel there now. Like I could be his friend… platonically. I feel as if I’m completely okay with him even dating. I just want to be his friend. To feel close. To laugh. To text and talk about things in a friendly manner, like friends do!
But he just isn’t there…even though he says he is. I’m so mad at him. And I hate begging, literally begging for his friendship. He was SUCH a deep part of my life for months. We spent nearly every minute together. And now it’s just… done. I don’t want to let go of some of it. I need his friendship or I don’t want it at all. I’m so close to just deleting our text messages. To just blocking him on the phone. To just staying away from him.
Staying friends is usually tricky and not always a good idea. If it’s been 2 weeks, give if time. You said yourself you were deeply involved for a while. Not easy to just suddenly be friends with someone who used to mean more. In terms of asking him to tell the truth if he doesn’t want to be friends, I’ve had to accept for myself that a majority of people just can’t handle being honest. They DO think they are somehow doing something nicer by lying. I tried to keep in touch with a friend who left town and kept getting strung along. I finally sent a long email and said look, the truth will benefit both of us. I’ll stop popping up in your texts every few weeks asking if I can come to visit, so you won’t have to deal with it anymore, and I’ll be free from hoping we’re going to stay friends. Even with putting it all on the line like that, I got a response that said everything was fine, of course we were still friends, and we’d plan something soon. That friend has now been gone for 2+ years. We were close for ten years. Couldn’t just give me an actual goodbye and let it end. And the funny thing is sometimes I think to myself, I should start texting them every once in a while to keep asking what happened. Because I gave them an opportunity to tell the truth so I’d stop bugging them, and they didn’t. So maybe every few weeks I should make them come up with a new excuse not to answer me. But no, of course after that email I just eventually gave up. This has happened with a lot of people. I’ve never understood the trouble people have with being honest. It’s not always comfortable, but it’s the quickest way from point a to b. I don’t lie simoly because I’m too lazy. It takes more effort and then you have to remember the lie that you told and keep your story straight. Point being, it’s possible that he’s not being truthful. If he wanted to be friends just like you do, it would be happening. You obviously think he’s being distant and I don’t think you’re imagining it. No friendship should require begging. The second it starts to feel that way, it no longer qualifies as an actual friendship. That’s how I finally let my friend go, I realized they weren’t really being a friend to me anyway, and even if I bugged enough to eventually get to visit them, it wouldn’t matter. I told them how much I’d like to get out of town and come check out the city where they moved to, and they knowingly have left me for 2 years not caring about my request. Nor could they give me the dignity of just telling me they didn’t want to stay in touch.
Give him time. If he’s being distant sometimes the easiest thing is to act that way back to them. I’ve seen it called the rubber band method or something like that. If he’s walking away from you, you start walking away from him, and maybe it’ll cause it to snap back. Keep in mind though staying friends with someone can really just prevent wounds from healing. You might say you can imagine yourself watching him date others and not be bothered, and then be surprised by how much your stomach turns the first time you hear about a new relationship. The only times I have successfully been friends with exes is when there was a decent amount of time before we were friendly again. Not two weeks. It takes time to realize you miss the person as a friend. And if he never does want to be friendly, just do your best to move on. Not worth trying to be friends with someone who doesn’t want to be. It hurts but it doesn’t mean it would do any good to try to change their mind or anything. Be friends with people who don’t need convincing.
Thanks for such a lengthy response, I appreciate it. Part of me feels like if I give him time then that’s basically it. I will never be his friend again. He’ll move on for good. The friend thing was his idea. I wanted to completely cut him off, he didn’t want that. Then a month ago we spontaneous had sex. We’ve been broken up for 3 months now. He’s confusing as hell. We made a mistake by sleeping with each other when we were broken up… I honestly don’t care if he dates, truly. I sincerely just want to be his friend. I’m kinda wondering if he thinks I want more from him, like a relationship again because we had sex. I don’t. i don’t even want to bring that up to him… To ask him if that’s why he’s been so distant. We’ve been through a lot… I already made up my mind that I will fight for a friendship with him. We basically are perfect for each other… If not in a romantic way then in a friendly way. But you’re right, if he wanted a friendship then it would be happening. I just miss him, so much. He is truly my best friend.