What if, we are all angels, mischievous angels, and indeed bad angels punished by God? at the beginning Lucifer lead the revolt against god to over throw him and take over right? Well what if, when God won and cast all the angels who sided against him out of heaven they landed on earth, striped of their powers and wings, and their memories of heaven removed and thus started humans? and the really bad angels, such as Lucifer and his Dukes were sent down further to hell. Now God being merciful gave the angels a chance at redemption and those who live a good life on earth get to return to heaven as angels with their powers restored and those that live a bad life get drawn to Lucifer to help him plot in overthrowing God once more. and those that merely exists on earth, neither good or bad are forced to be born again and again until they choose a side and when all the angels choose a side Armageddon, the end of the world starts and an epic battle between good and evil is fought for control of heaven, earth and hell. but it only starts once the last angel has chosen, or until Lucifer thinks he has enough people and steps out of hell, wouldn’t that be awesome?
What you’ve just described is actually somewhat similar to Mormonism.
I like getting fucked up too much for Mormonism tbh lol. all i really know about it is no alcohol and multiple brides. after no alcohol i stopped reading :p