I thought that was a good title. Anyways. Like Bloodhound Gang would say…” like my scrotum here it is in a nutshell”
Blah blah blah…
Life sucks… whoa is me…
Yadda yadda,
Rhetorical questions….
Something else…
Self loathing….
More rambling…
For reference review this…
You said in a few words what it takes me multiple paragraphs to say.
Lol, you are quite long winded… I just didn’t really feel like putting any thought in. To be honest I half expected you to reply “vaguely encouraging comments”
If I hadn’t been in the bottom of a dark pit, I probably would have said something smart-ass like that, yes.
Please deduct one point from my sarcasm proficiency test.
Well…at least it’s not lonely down here…
I can’t tell if anyone else is here, it’s too dark.
I’d start feeling around, but might grab onto some strange things.
(I think I just grabbed a bratwurst covered in seaweed).
I could get way to carried away here….
Anyways, I suppose this is where I say something kind, as a friend, to support you?
Maybe we stroke (heh) each others ego?
In all honesty, where I’m at.. it’s like… I could make a bowl of cereal…or…. strangle myself for awhile…
For whatever it’s worth though, I’m here. Some form or another.
I don’t have milk to pour on the cereal, and the cereal’s been sitting up there for so long it’s probably stale anyway.
Sadly, there is also no rope, and I doubt electrical cords would be strong enough.
If you’re into automotive tragedies, you could read my post about the accident I had when I was 16.
I did. Safe to say I read all your post… part of the stalker gig.
Just didn’t comment. Didn’t know what to say, better luck next time? That’s kinda fucked up thing to say.
Does the stalker gig pay well, or is it strictly volunteer work?
Volunteer work looks good on resumes.
It’s commission based. Like there’s no “set wage” per se, but I can keep whatever I pick out of your trash… lick your tooth brush.. put on your lipstick of course, you rarely ever leave, so, paydays are few and far between
If I go out tomorrow (for example, to buy a new toothbrush), I promise to leave something interesting in the trash for you.
Way better than that dead mouse I left last time.
but she does sleep alan….sometimes under the influence…
does that still pay full? Or is it like combat pay?
Thanks cordless, I love surprises….
Hds, usually when she sleeps I just breath heavily with my face against her window. She’s a stickler for locking up well while home.
This mini-thread just oozes with sarcasm and innuendo. Makes my day.
In other news: Alan, the fuck man? No messages from you today. (I sound awkward cussing in general, heh..)
Mindless… whose being sarcastic? Also, it’s been a busy day…
(*long-winded and vaguely inappropriate rebuttal*)
Bloodhound gang FTW.
Thank you Alan, you always post great music.
I like this way of posting, saves a lot of time and details but goes to the point. Yet I miss you.