I’m a compulsive liar. I lie about silly things like what food I had for lunch or telling stories with friends. I also lie about real things like whether or not I cut or that I lost my job or that I’m not an alcoholic.
Here is the truth:
I am a failure. I dropped out of school because I have no drive and hated who I was at school, but blamed it on my depression. I lost my job because I didn’t want to show up, so I didnt, I then lied about why I lost my job. I was supposed to pay my friend, and didn’t, and then lied and said I did.
I don’t know how to STOP LYING.
That took real guts. Either you are on the verge of breaking the habit, or you never had it and have a guilt complex instead. Either way, looks like you have what it takes to face it head on at this point. Best of luck.
No one got rich being honest, we all have to lie from time to time… don’t worry about it :0)