Pretty self explanatory, isn’t it? She died in a car crash. There were two other people in the car, but she’s the only one that died. Now I don’t know what I’ll do. Dying’s out, that’d be a slap in the face to her memory. Right now I’m just broken and listening to songs that remind me of her. If you have any suggestions I’ll be happy to take them.
Such a sad thing!
Sorry to hear about it.
I understand the part about “dying’s out; that’d just be a slap in the face to her memory”.
I’m especially conflicted about that right now myself; I’m more depressed than usual and I feel like I need to get out; and yet someone I dearly love is in the hospital, possibly dying. I know he wouldn’t want me to die, yet the grief is so overwhelming.
It’s like an awful space in between, where neither choice feels right.
Gosh I’m so sorry. I don’t have a lot to offer. People say it gets better with time. It doesn’t, it just gets different.
Hey Haze. Good to hear from you, but at the same time it’s pretty shitty. I think you get what I just said, but I don’t know
i know these words might be meaningless, but i’m so sorry for your loss… i’m not sure if this will really “help,” but when i lost someone, i spent a lot of time trying to distract myself from the grief. i ran around outside, just focusing on exhausting myself. i did puzzles and played immersive games. i cleaned my room. i don’t know if these activities will interest you at all, but they helped ease my mind a little then.
My classmate died in a car crash in the states in November of last year… Dumbass drunk driver hit her..
So believe me when I say I feel your pain, friend.. The fact that that person was your best friend makes it all the more difficult..
*bear hugs* It won’t be easy, but you have friends and support here.
You can email me if you wanna talk.. My email is on my profile.