Hello. Haven’t posted in a while. Testing week was hell. Tired. Ended testing week off with an important interview. Felt like a fraud. I dressed up as something I wasn’t. Smiled. Used hand gestures. I was articulate. They seemed very pleased. The final question was why I thought I deserved the position. I wanted to scream out I didn’t deserve it. That I was a fraud. That I was a liar. That I was a horrible person. I sat there for 30 seconds. I finally came up with some bullshit answer. They said I got it. Went up to shake their hand. I felt a smile coming on to my face. I feel disgusted with myself. I’m a terrible person. Thank you for listening.
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Hey j doe. Was that forvwork, internship or some other thing? I often feel the same way. Undercover crazy lady posing as a rational office worker. Instead of Bond 007 I’m HDS 00fucked. Lol.