I cannot take this anymore. I know my life isn’t as bad as some peoples but I’m just really struggling.
Firstly, I hate school. I’m really struggling at keeping up and my grades are usually quite good but I’m not going to be able to keep that up much longer. I dislike every subject I do, and the subjects I loved, my teachers are crap. I also can’t stand the people, there’s always those ones that talk all through class and it’s stopping me from learning. Everything at school is making me tired and I can hardly hold myself together anymore.
Other than school I do three other sports and draw which take up every day after school and sometimes before school, two of which I am not liking at the moment and one of them especially is affecting me mentally, considering I’m in such a high level of it. These making me feel depressed and I just don’t want to do it.
altogether I just feel really lonely, I don’t really talk to my family much because if I’m being honest, I can’t stand them, they say some really mean things about people, they gossip, argue so much about pointless things and my parents look down on me and I hate it. I do have friends but, three main ones who I hang out with at school but I feel we are only friends because at school people hang out with other people so there not loners (I didn’t explain that very well).
I go to a all girls school and I don’t like being around all the girls all the time, I don’t think my parents would let me change and it would be so difficult now. I don’t know what to do, I’m struggling and I just feel so depressed, hopeless, stupid and like I’m failing at life.
That tends to happen don’t it, all girl school, how old are you? do you live at the school?
I’m 15, almost 16
anyways i would find that hard to do all girl school, kind of like the military. never done anything like that.
I’d so laugh if you went to Epsom Girls’. Although, mind you, I did happen to observe a lot of pregnant girls walking home from Marist too. How frightfully uncouth for a Catholic school.
That was eight years ago, so maybe things have changed.
…meh. Of course they haven’t