Ok, so yes we all know why we are here on TSP.
One way or another, we’re all SPians.
But if you were to go (and we all will someday) but had
the time and opportunity to give your departure a funny
or humorous twist, what would that be? You know, you
get the last laugh sort of thing.
I mean no disrespect to any of you for your struggles.
It’s just a thought.
Take these people quitting and look at how they left their
jobs in the best of ways for inspiration. They checked out of
their [former] workplace in style!
I’d rather go silently, with no attention drawn towards me. Dearth is common in my town, so I’ll blend in.
I hear you. Well, that would be your last laugh, though, knowing you’d peacefully go… blent in 🙂
Eat like a Tonne of glitter, sequins, etc and then spontaneously combust..
Then you’d be remembered as: The Combuster!
LOL I need to do this.. I know we are not meant to discuss m e t h o d s lol but how can I combust in this manner?!
I don’t know, you’re the Combuster after all! Talk to a science professor.
the pepsi/mentos formula?
if I drank 4 litres of Pepsi or non-brand cola to help get all the glitter down an then ate a shit tonne of mints?!
That might work. I’d test it on a balloon first, though.
Geeze I think trying to achieve that would actually be more difficult than trying to combust myself!
@missingLink and @EmptyPluto – You are too funny!
I’d stay away from the mentos/cola mix, though. You don’t want to risk ending up like a Tootsie Roll that melted on your car seat!!! LOL
Yeah, thanks a lot missingLink. You ruined the interior of my new Rolls Royce.
That was a great video.
I am not that creative, nor that much of an attention-seeker, but I am a very good baker, so the tender-your-resignation-with-a-sentiment-iced-upon-a-decorated-confection works for me!
P.S. You remind me of someone.
@Wittie – Hello there Good Baker!
Glad you liked it 😀
And I also agree with you, those were some pretty good cakes, lol.
So who do I remind you of, was that for me or the video brought you memories of someone..?