Hello all. For about a month now i have been planning my suicide, for a while it didnt seem real and as though i wasn’t fully connecting with the idea of dying, i spent a lot of time on the internet coping and eating junk food (why not right?) but now it is almost time and there is no more need for coping.
I purchased a ****** **** **** *** *****, it arrives on july 21. I will kill myself on july 21.
Sourcing the information for a peaceful suicide was tedious to say the least and it seems that talking to anyone about suicide makes them think you’re seeking attention… An unfortunate way of things. So no longer will i talk to anyone about suicide, the only person taking this trip is me and they could never understand or accept it.
Not much is left to do, i still have no idea what the flow rate needs to be (thanks to how censored suicide info is – thanks all) but I’ll figure it out. Lol
you mean june. june 21st. that would make it the solstice.
Please, do Not commit suicide. Life can be pretty though, it has been for me in the past. However, things improve too. For one, I didn’t even remember I had ever considered suicide to be an option, until I was reminded of it like a month ago. Please, do consider: you have only 1 life, why waste this limited time we have been gifted with?
I send you lots and lots of Love <3
I don’t know what to say that will make a difference.
I’ve been ready to kill myself twice in my life. The second time I nearly went. But it’s strange. The moment the water entered my lungs I had never ever wanted to live more. I remember just thinking ‘Fuck, I could’ve waited another day.’ So yeah, it is true what they say. You’re suicidal, but when you’re dying, every survival instinct you never even knew you had in you comes bursting out. You’re going to want a breath of fresh air more than anything else in the world. Everything you did up until that point is going to seem so puny. I don’t know how to explain it. But this is what you’re going to experience. It’s a horrible feeling when you realize you’ve just checkmated yourself.
I’m not going to try and talk you out of it. I don’t know what I’d say. This is just what you should be prepared for. To feel the most helpless feeling in the world.
I’m sorry the world has done this to you. You don’t deserve it.
Are you still with us?