Bieng Bi-Polar is hard for my young friend Gwen not many people understand her like I do.Its hard to have your over at my house and currently were dating which is also complicated. One day in the morning she said that she was going to die today being bi-polar I thought it would blow over but I never thought I would be in for such a big treat Room 224 2nd hour Mrs.**** she hated us that teacher did she would pick on me cause I was the jokester and Gwen hated it she stood up for me and got in trouble I always thanked her she but this time was diffrent when we went right in to the class there were 2 cops in the room one who was well built and another with the gun I automatically told Gwen and she didnt like that I held her hand and she gripped it…..HARD I told her to calm down and kissed her on the cheek sh released her grip slower and slower the police were hear for her and we all new it I held her hand till we sat down right next to each other I let go but she grabbed it again I feared something bad was about to happen Mrs.**** stood up and said were going to read a book and she picked Gwen to do it and I knew why Gwen hated reading so much Mrs.**** wanted to get her mad so she started The big Viloce Velociraptor people started laughing she started to cry she threw the book at Mrs.**** and ran to the bathroom being her boyfriend at that time everyone looked at me thinking I was suppose to do something so I got up and talked to the police to come with me and when I got into the girls bathroom I fell to my knees and cried I saw her slitting her wrists and just stopped when I walked in and she started sobbing as well the cops got the knife away from her and she looked so pale she said she didnt want to die but it was her time I looked up at her and held her in my arms till the blood in her body was all gone she was dead I loved her one simple thing can hurt someone the last thing I ever heard from her was the moan of a kiss her blood staining my white polo and she died I didnt go to school two weeks after that and when I did people kept asking how I was if I felt alright and especially Do you still love her and I said yes to the last one
The police didn’t do anything to help?
Well she wanted to die im 12 im kinda rusty on the story thing
I’m so sorry. I have Bi-Polar and I know how it feels… sorta… Two years ago I tried to kill my self for the first time, then the second time, I got sent to a hospital… aka the loony bin… The social studies teacher I had that year got ended up teaching my sisters class the next year, and pretty much announced that I was crazy to the entire class…
Aww it’s ok umm We should talk its kinda cool to learn about it