I am so ready to leave. plan on my daughter’s birthday (yes, a daughter that I don’t get to see) to leave this pathetic fucking life. Funny that so many believe in a fictious god, but think (because a dumb book) that you will be damned if you leave this crappy shit earlier. There is no god, and there is nothing after this bullshit. We are just like any other animal on this planet, look at all of our actions. We go to war for what reason? There is more than enough land on this planet to live. We keep others financially strap for what reason? We created this form of exchange, there is more than enough for all. We laugh at others failures, why? Because it is naturally in our primate nature (yes, I know white people, it is just us niggers that are primates….wow, kind of goes with what I am discussing). We are so advanced as a species on this planet, but we  refuse to grow the fuck up. We think by constantly criticizing others that we are more socially powerful than the person we constantly put down. But let that person come and beat the hell out of the criticizers (or worse kill), then that person is seen as the uncivilized one, not the criticizers….funny. Every animal on this planet has a limit. Why do we raise children, discipline them for their immature actions, but we do it constantly to those that we fill that we are better. BUT THE THING THAT OTHER FORGET THAT THIS IS A PLANET OF PHYSICAL.. MEANING THAT THAT IS WHAT IT COMES DOWN TO, THE PHYSICAL!!!!!! But don’t worry, I am tired of living in this pathetic, immature existence. There is nothing here on this planet that is worth while. I wont be a coward like others and massively kill others (mostly whites, cause when us blacks do it, it is normal because we are naturally monkeys and uncivilized). I am just going to kill myself in a couple of months. Plus. you should end it all by age of forty any way…why, because turning foryt really SUCKS! So to allo of you young people out there reading thins, yes turning forty SUCKS!!!!!! Especially in this type of society that us civilized dumb asses live in. This planet was meant to be predator vs. prey, so don’t ever feel guilty that you don’t like living on this cool planet with idiot animals. WE ARE THE ONLY ANIMAL ON THIS PLANET THAT DOES NOT HAVE A NATURAL DESIRE TO KILL FOR SURVIVAL. LOOK AT ALL THOSE THAT COME BACK FROM WAR WITH POST TRAUMATIC SYNDROME!!!! Trust me, I am far from a ***** (I train close quarter combat on a daily basis… moy yat ving tsun), but I am tired of all this dumb shit that happens. LOOK AT T.V., HOW MANY NORMAL LOOKING PEOPLE DO YOU SEE ON IT? HOW MANY “NON-ATTRACTIVE” INDIVIDUALS, OR NORMAL LOOKING PEOPLE DO THEY GIVE ATTENTION TO? SO OUR KIDS GROW UP BELIEVING THAT IF YOU DON’T FIT THAT DUMB IMAGE THEN YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF BEING ALIVE!! GOD WE ARE SUCH DUMB ASS, COMPLACENT IDIOTS. WE CHANGE NOTHING!! LOOK AT OBAMA, EVERYONE BELIEVED THE BULLSHIT THAT HE SPIT BEFORE ELECTION. AND ALL HE DID WAS GET IN THERE AND GO FOR HIS OWN AGENDA. JUST TO LEAVE AND HAVE THE DISTINCTION OF BEING THE FIRST HALF BLACK PRESIDENT-FUCK THIS DUMB ASS LIFE!!!! I AM DONE!!!!!! AND FUCK YOU AND YOUR PATHETIC “LET ME TRY TO SAVE YOU” COMMENTS!!!!!!
Amen to that. I’ve been waiting for the demise of the human race forever. I can’t wait to see the day we all bomb the shit out of each other. Humans are clever and intelligent but have very short-term memories and a distinct lack of empathy and “common sense” (whatever the hell that is) See you on the other side! (If there is such a thing!)
If you want to die, thats fine, but don’t do it on your birthdays daughter.
Gosh. That told me Ihatethisblacklife!
OK I’m not gonna try to save you, lol! Promise!
This world needs iconoclastic people like yourself who can marshal an argument Ihatethis.
But your argument would be more powerful if you maybe weren’t quite so angry…there’s no point in preaching to the converted at the top of your voice. Many people here would agree with you about a lot of that.
I won’t even comment about your desire to die on your daughter’s birthday, but if you are not getting to see her, well I had a child who ended up in foster care. I know first-hand the grief that not seeing your child must cause you.
Please try to open your mind just a little and learn to listen to others’ views. Of you can’t do that you will not be able to persuade anyone of the rightness of your arguments…
Hope my comment doesn’t leave you wanting to swear at me, but if it does, be my guest and get it off your chest…or just delete my comment.
Zoe x
Zoe x
i am a white guy and i am here to say i love you no matter what color your skin is i stil love you see i wanted to kill my self to and i was mad at god i use to say why god to you hate me so but 1 day i went to a park and some kids was singing god loves you and i found out that god love me so much that he set me free from wanting to die every day for years so now i am here to say yes god is real and he love you even if you dont love him so please dont end it all god can break this chain and set you free i love you john
^ God called, and he asked me to tell you that He would prefer it if you used punctuation.
Periods, commas, proper use of capitalization-that sort of thing.