I’m 20 years old and in college 800 kms away from home. It has been almost 2 years that i started living on my own. I do not have anybody to call my own. I pretend to be happy and cheerful when i go to college but when i come back to the hostel, I’m lonely and sad. I cry every night. Life is not happier at home. I’m not at all close to my parents. My dad has beaten me up a few times in the past and i hate going back home. They never let me out of the house my whole life to visit my friends or to even have them over. They are both antisocial and i think I’m the same today because of them. My family is also going through severe financial problems and today I’m too broke to even buy food. I feel like I’m a burden to everybody and nobody will notice if I’m gone. I just want to fade away. Its so hard to wake up everyday. I don’t have anything to look forward to. No hopes, no dreams and I’ve never felt good enough at anything i do.
I understand you ..
I’m sure you’ll meet someone in college and things will get better
be strong man! if you get the grades and work hard, you can break out of it. i think you’re just in an existential slump at the moment, which is something that a lot of people go through.
sorry things are so bad for you, i hope things will get better usally when things are really bad that’s when something good happens cross your fingers 🙂
hi, I’m tired of waiting around. Tired of this shit which has been going on for the last 4 years. No good has ever happened to me and doesn’t look like it will.
At 20 I would give it some more time.