Ever since I was 12 I wanted a wife, kids, and to be a doctor.  It was the perfect life to me, to have all that happiness as soon as possible.  I’m with the girl of my dreams, the girl who can be the one.  She even use to say she wants all of that…with me.  Starting two months ago though she seems to be ignoring me and not talking to me like she use to.  The anniversary rituals seemed to have stopped.  I went to the hospital today and she was worried and was talking to me more than she has been.  It made me happy she seemed to care, even given the circumstance.  I recovered and now it’s back to the same thing as before, hardly talking to me.  I’ve been cheated on before so I’m worried and scared.  She even now says she is unsure about being with me forever like she always said she would be.  I’m now left here laying alone on our anniversary, no talking, no phone call, and no feeling of love.  I love her with all my heart but maybe she doesn’t feel the same anymore.  I don’t want to lose this perfect girl, I don’t want to accept that it’s out of my control.  I don’t know what will happen with us, but I’m thinking death is more peaceful than life.  Death will separate me from her, it’ll be easier.
So now you should show this post to her in some way. If she doesnt respond well to it then your kind words are going to waste. and if she does respond to it then shes going to know how you feel. regardless though it would help to have it all out in the open. its obvious both parties here need to have more communication. even if she is the girl of your dreams youre going to have to fight to keep her. and if you fight and things dont turn out then it wasnt meant to be. Theres no use spending time with someone who isnt interested.
im sure itll all work out. good luck!
That’s a really good idea. Thank you for saying all the right things.