so some guy  told me to put my story up here and wait for reactions on it before i do anything.
why not.
here’s my fucked story:
i am Jeroen Steeman. i am currently 17 years old, and i live in a small village in the netherlands. my life is garbage.
i used to have a happy life tough. lots of friends i hung out with. two awesome older brothers. a happy mom and dad. then my mother got multiple scerose (that’s the dutch name for it anyway) and lost her shit. all the joy that once exsisted in our family life just got destroyed. both my brothers moved out of the house. one just completely started a new life with his girlfriend. i never see him anymore. and the other just broke down and got depressed.
so i lived in pure agony for about 2 years, trying to keep strong for both my dying mom and my depressed brother. then suddenly my mom’s disease got worse, and she became as much fucked up mentally as she was fysically. she eventually moved away. and that’s the last i heared from her. i don’t even know if she’s still alive at this point.
and i don’t care. the ***** my rot in hell.
so now you think the story starts to end? fuck no.
this is where my dad lost his shit too. he couldn’t get over the lost of his wife, and just became an alcoholic. so like life wasn’t fucking me enough, he became my personal tormentor too.
seriously, i can’t do shit right! he always seems to have some fucking reason to blame me for something. he even blames me for the fact that his wife left him.
and that’s about where i am now. i feel like i’ve tried everything to safe this family. my family.
but i can’t care anymore. everytime i try to get my brother out of his depression or my father away from his booze, i only seem to make things worse.
so if i can only make things worse, then those fuckers are better off without me
ohyeah, and i do have “fun” now and then. but that’s when i take XTC and fuck me i feel like i’m getting addicted to that shit too.
i’m a fucking failure
1 comment
Hello Jeroen,
That is really sad. However, I don’t see you as a failure at all. Your 17 years old and fluent in English. (Ahh, yes, I’m an american.) and you’ve tried so hard to keep your family together. That says so much about you as a person. Although, I have people tell me I’m a good person and I’m like WTF what good does that do me? Maybe don’t put any more effort into your family and put it into yourself? What ARE you good at?
Good luck.