Love is after us 24/7 . But in the end ,you ended up in Hell…if
you make that fault mistake ………………… but mine you ,you’ll
 still be in Love. I am Human but I bleed just like everyone
else. When she has her trying days, I listened to the rocks and
stones that come my way. Â Is this Love? Love is who you,
Surrender too. Whoever ,you think you where. That’s when
ever thing changes, when Love, comes knocking on your
door. Love blinded you to a Fault, it Trust everything. It has
Faith in honor, without question. Believing is to convince
your mind, that the heart in your soul is safe  ,and that you’ve
 found that which you’ve been screeching for your whole
life.   Not really  now  that reality starter’s to replace the faces
of images that are darker than even the light , just shades of
hope yields its head up and then  down under the waves
again. Looking for air , searching for the light that will bring
you  to life thinking only of the good .  But yet again you’ve,
come to your knees to surrender your wiliness in the name of
Love . For your mine and heart rules for the good, yet you
forgotten the other side .yet you stay, you remember the
good, You are still whole and safe. Â Spreading like a virus
 ,this thing called Love. It’s like Heroin to the soul, once
tasted one can’t ever come back from its depths and halls of
mirrors.  The highs and the lows, and the feel, the taste, the
longing Gone.  Yet we’re all looking for it, like a junkie on the
corner. Knowing that it will even kill our souls . BUT You’ll
take that chance. Faith has you by the hand an whisper in
your ear ,it’s there you’ll find it . Turn to the book it will save
you, but the book is only trust, I can’t touch faith, I can’t hold
on to it for comfort. I can’t cry on its shoulder. Its smoke
passing ,though my mine. But to believe, in this enough. My
hunger sends me back to mixing in the streets ,looking,  but
blinded. Because your sprit has fallen with fear , keep it
penned to the ground. Â Shadows between you moving at a
gleaning ,so affair and yet so far from you. Can you see them
from the darkness . Will the shadow show it’s light. Or in the
coldest of  light  you will see them,but only  in the dark .  but
they have only the darkness to cling too, soul searching for
that sprite that light . Yes  its in  your Mine, it  doesn’t
remember, its blinded you can see it . It’s really trying to save
you, from the thought that you are alone. We can’t be alone .
 Look at all these people all my friends, my family. But  Hope
and Faith and Truth  are they gone as well , where are they.
 You see the devil , instead of the angel inside  of you killing
 the truth, hiding  it from the Light.  Wears is the spark that
 glows in the night , that it may show me the way to the top ,
can I make it too reality . Too know , too feel, too believe, too
hope, too trust in love even after it has brought  me so much
pain . Â Â YESÂ ,We are weak to no end , we have no power
against it. How can you lie to yourself?  It’s Over.  It’s gone .
Now where are your feeling ? Can’t you see them, or are they
lost like a face in a pictures.  Is this all that, there is.
 Question Now.  Who am I.  Is there another life better than
this, is their time .  Not even money can buy  this passion.
 what are we looking for,  its priceless . It’s the  lock inside
 your hearts mine, that will take you there, wear is the key
,how do I fine it. . Every day we ask the same  question ,
Should I Keep looking on the corner in the streets an feel the
life around me. Should IÂ be looking beyond, the future.
 STOP and Think , Not really. Knowing the truth that the
pains we fear will only come again are you really ready to do
 this again.  The highs and the lows playing the same tune yet
different notes, hiding itself .waiting to be discovered
 Silence, and still. Brave of heart , yet weak from sprite we
walk along alone glancing, but not looking for the beast to
consume are hearts.  Yet Quietly in the back ground  we
search it out, Is it their…..this LOVE , the truth, the heart ,the
belief in sprite , the trust without doubt , and the knowing
you’re not alone.  I’m , I there , I feel the warmth. But when
does the pain start.
But oh wait , yes there is another side. Where the rain falls
,Jealousy, suspicion, faithless, honor, disbelief, dishonor,
betrayed all this is also called LOVE.  To place fear, as a lose
which causes suspicion to create demons from far  back in
your mine? Â Bringing out the beast that fight for the heart. Â To
consume its sprite and fasten the link to its souls to be hole
again. This is to be  human.  Your Instinctive, mine believing
 there is danger . A well of energy with the belief over comes
your sensor. Now comes honor , the blood pouring out from
the wounds where trust faithfulness ,truthfulness  and rage
of the heart has been give a rock so heavy it’s consuming your
soul. Â Making you do anything it wants you to do again. And
again we fine it all in the name of LOVE . Love defenses the
heart. Love is to quits the mine, and bring peace to the soul.
But love burns deep in are being. Always looking for us . Day
after day. Love is all around us. Yet we still don’t understand
its system. Only how to react to its triggers. Â Fine a flaw, use it
to defense, yourself. Fine a JOY, use it to create. That time,
that moment, that place .capture forever in the well of
memory. When they ask how empty the glass is. You answer
No how full is it with Love. But to blink is a life time gone
away.. To experience love is forever. Because we hold it so
close to our hearts, when asked  HWDDOG           about a time,
love shines the light back in time to, yes I remember. Â You
look back at time and how fast it has gone. And with it also
love. Past, Â present, and after we have gone. And then the
fading starts. Look back and see if you can remember .Then
they’ll be a moment, then a occasionally, than a mention and
then at the end, there is I wonder. Â Now the circle is complete
the flame has now burned out gone, from memory .Only a
faded photograph remains. And when asked you’ll say.  I
remember that………………………all   she / he  wanted was love .
…………………….LOVE AND ITS MEANING “…………………………………………….
                                         by HWDOG
Can’t read it. It’s a bit jumbled and big and red and stuff.
@Noonoo- Your high! I can read it just fine! 😉
I couldn’t read it either. Sorry mate.
I took off my glasses to blur my vision and it said “Helter Skelter.”
Not to be mean or anything but the original font and color on here is probably best.