The only person that ever cared about me is gone. The person I was going to run away with abd love forever is dead. He loved me for me I didn’t have to be who anyone else wanted to be I was good enough for him. I can go on in life without him. I spend days thinking about our memories and I have fantasies about you riding up the street on your black motorcycle saying †wherever you want to go I’ll take you†I miss you just holding me while we talk about anything and everything the different countries we were going to travel to, the island we was going to get married on, our future children. It’s all gone now I’m just left with a broken heart and shattered memories. My heart is dead it died with you. No one else loved me. I don’t know where my life is going and I’m alone. Please come back. I love you Jasper.
You’re 15 and you dated a guy with a motorcycle? How old was he? 25? (I don’t blame you, though, guys with motorcycles are hawt. I can’t resist ’em either.)
I’m sorry for your loss, but life goes on, you’re only young. Be thankful for the good times, and think of this as a learning experience. You’ll recover in time and move forwards as a stronger person. Best wishes to you.
Women don’t fantasize about dating a guy with a moped, huh? What if he had a really kewl Vespa scooter and a plaid sweater vest? Would you jump on that?
@C4 I don’t want to speak for all women here, but I’m confident that the majority would say: No. (Sadly, those of the female persuasion are more shallow than you’d think.)
@Persa; Oh, ok. I guess that’s why we don’t see a lot of Revenge of the Nerds type pornos. Chicks don’t dig guys on scooters with questionable fashion tastes.
What if the guy said he was gay? Would that make him more worthy of pursuit?
Wait, you are saying there are shallow women? *mind blown*
There’s a show down here with this…pretty milfy chick who chases after a bar tender 15 years younger than her. Plot twist: He drives a moped. I laughed when I saw that, they looked so lovey dovey riding together. I’d chase after a chick if she was riding a moped and I fancied her. Literally. I could outrun one of those contraptions on foot.
There is no escaping my grasp, woman…
Oh. @OP – Shh… No tears. Only dreams now… I knew a Jasper, wirey Asian dude. Didn’t have a crotch rocket though. You’ll find another dude with a bike, there’s plenty out there. Best of luck to you. 😎
@C4 Are gay dudes into other gay dudes who drive mopeds and wear plaid? Huh. I have no clue, perhaps you should ask a man who plays for the same team. Let us know how it goes.
@Persa; I’m just trying to understand women better. From what I can tell, women are just gay guys without a penis or a sense of humor who get pregnant.
@C4 What about bisexual women? You have to make an exception for them.
(And lesbians.)
Bisexual women? Hmm. They like dick but they don’t care if a man or a woman is attached to it.
Equal opportunity types.
Lesbians like being prodded. They just don’t like having a man do it.
guys don’t have much of a sense of humor either, i don’t get why drawing dicks on things, video game commentary, jump kicking people and explosions are so funny
@C4 Ok. This is good to know. Thanks for enlightening me.
and what’s up with memes ew, much dumb very moron. watch out, we got a dumbass over here
htt p://cdn. memegenerator. net/instances/ 43257202. j pg
@aye russo: You just summarized the entire overall “guy” humour in the current times. Amazing. In part you also summarized Michael’s Bay cinema style, so i can see were you are going. But yeah, not all guys are so basic on the humour level (not that mine is any better tho).
conversely not all women are as funny as the Naked Gun movie which is not at all
Uh oh. “Humorless Broad Alert”.
Gloom and doom. Life sucks cause no one understands my feelings. *sigh*
Kick-Ass is funny. Has anyone seen that? I watched the new Spiderman movie the other day and I was reminded of Kick-Ass. I should watch it again.
c4 hilarious
I just loled at the Naked Gun reference. I guess incoherent humour does get guys most of the times. Which reminds me to go watch Anchorman 2 again, a baby shark being bottle-fed? priceless
@C4 omg go cut urself
@Aye Russo; Thankfully I’ve learned not to take nutty broads seriously. You can’t help your whore moans. (Spelling)?
omg u misogynistic man-thing 1 day womyn will rule the world without men!!!111!!
“whore moans.” Haha. (Sorry but that was funny.)
don’t worry persa, C4’s a funny guy, almost as funny as being a chargers fan
Thanks Persia. That’s actually a C4 original.
@aye Russo; I like you too. Rhymes with borin’ and whorin’ (You’re neither).
Jasper, I like this name…