Hi guys how we all doing 🙂
learned something quite interesting and i thought i would share it with you all.
Prolonged exposure to suicidal thoughts & feelings creates a biochemical reaction in  your brain that changes the very way you think, and we don’t even realise its happening. example if you were like me once filled with powerful empathy and heart shattering emotions but now feel quite distant and empty thats the reason. So make it quick and don’t turn into a zombie is probably the lesson here.
Mindblowing, but not literally unfortunately.
Bye 🙂
*mind is blown*
prolonged exposure to just about anything will alter us in some way(s).
There was a guy who posted here a couple times, who got me thinking along the lines of behavioral habituation, and how we don’t realize we’re habituating our own patterns, until they’ve become patterns, and have remained habituated, long enough for us to begin analyzing them…
Ultimately, “you have to recognize the problem, choose to correct it, and continue to act upon that choice.”
You can’t control everything, but you should attempt to regain and retain control of all parts of yourself that can be chosen. Maximize self-control, and choose what to do and where to go, from your current position/circumstance/situation/scenario.
There are no guarantees of any destination other than death, but grabbing the reins of your own life, choosing to move forward, and steering as well as you can, is the only hope.
Pretty interesting!
Pretty interesting!
I totally relate. I was always a ‘feeling’ person and very empathic. A headful of suicidal thoughts, ongoing for many months, has rendered me a lifeless zombie… Once upon a time I would find reasons for other people to live. Now I am consumed with thoughts of my own end. and selfish as fuck.