I’m sick and tired of waiting to hear back from my boyfriend. I heard my sister on the phone talking about me and I’m just so fucking done with all of it. I’m sick of people. I didn’t even want to be here to begin with. She starts complaining about how I keep her up at night because I want to finish the last 15 minutes of a tv show (even though I’ll turn off the lights and try and move the screen) and tries to embarrass me publicly about how I watch MLP. Whatever suck it. Seriously. I don’t give a fuck that I watch it because it helps me sleep. But it’s totally fine that she just turns on the light when I’m trying to sleep or how she stays up late texting and I don’t give her any shit about it. I feel bad that she has trouble sleeping but she wakes me up all the time and I don’t yell at her about that. And like today, she goes off about how I waste her time, and how she hates her time being wasted and keeps telling me that I’m wasting her time because I wanted to finish an episode of law and order before we went to dinner. I said that we should just agree on a time and she was like “that never works so I don’t bother.” So I try and explain that the situation is not going to fix itself and she will keep getting frustrated otherwise. It’s hard to explain. It’s like when she takes a while to get ready to leave, and I’m ready to go, she’ll tell me there’s no rush, but if I’m late she’ll say I’m wasting her time and how I’m so selfish. I try and help out and do all the dishes since she’s letting me stay with her and pays for food. The thing is, I didn’t even want to stay and live with her but she convinced me that it would be a good idea since my boyfriend’s mother is horrible. I feel like I just live with crazy people who take everything out on me and there’s no escape from it. And my own mother is totally ecstatic that she gets to play the victim because I don’t want her in my life anymore. She’s practically the happiest I’ve seen her, being able to demonize me as the bad daughter and talk shit about me to her friends for sympathy while trying to make me feel guilty. I get that my sister gets depressed as well and I understand why it must be frustrating for my boyfriend to be with me. She never wants to go out, is unenthusiastic about food and events and other things. It’s kind of like me with my boyfriend, except he’s the one who always wants to go out when I would rather stay in. I really just want to off myself. This is not worth dealing with. Even if I go back to NY to be with my boyfriend I’m always dealing with other people who can’t seem to deal with me. I don’t think I can afford my tuition for this fall semester anyway, even if I was working and taking out full loans. I hate the situation I am in. I hate that aspects of my mother are reflected in my own behavior and my sister’s. I hate these people who are trying to “help” me but in the end they are all the same. I hate living here. I want to die.
I’m sorry for your situation, but I LOVE MLP…it’s probably my favorite show 🙂 And don’t worry, I get shit from my friends and family for watching it too! I hope things start looking up soon for you!
Awh yay! MLP! 🙂 That made me really happy to hear haha.
Hang in there
Thanks iRuiz, hope you got some good sleep, I just went to bed after I wrote this post.
I did actually thanks 🙂 I just woke up from a nap too lol a long 3 hour nap -_- n I had the plans of going to the gym n library until I looked outside its Raining I hate Rainy days -_- makes everything worse lol
Awh just unrelenting sun and heat here in california for me, sometimes I prefer rain. Naps are the best/worst lol. Like sometimes I’ll be like, “Nooooooo, why did I do that!” Haha. The gym sounds fun. Gotta raise those endorphin levels ya know xD I love swimming myself but not many gyms are deep enough to dive. Do you do cardio or weight training?
yeah we don’t have any air conditioner right now at the house so I’m experiencing that unrelenting heat right now lol… but sun is good it helps feel a bit less depressed plus you got the beach anytime you want a bunch of beaches not just one crappy one like we do here plus those beaches go on for days you can just go for a long long walk when you’re stressed… idk i just feel like Cali would be a better fit for Me lol… but yes sometimes you just get lost in your nap n wanna sleep more n more!… I actually don’t know how to swim =( I need to learn ASAP… but you got the ocean dont ya to swim? thats definitely deep enough lol but no diving i guess… I really need to get a lot more into that cardio but I just love weight triaining… I love the pain lol but i need to lose this belly… howbout you you a gym girl??
I like yoga a lot, I do jog as well but I like swimming since is not as much wear and tear on my legs. Or I’ll use an elliptical. If there is a gym, I’ll use it. It doesn’t seem to make me happier though? -_- sigh, that’s the only reason I do it honestly. Beaches are nice, but I always get bored after a while. And slightly terrified of stepping on a sting ray haha. If you have the chance you should definitely see how you like for yourself.