i haven’t posted in a while, I still feel like crap
I really wish I was dead, I feel so stupid writing this. Who even cares about a piece of trash like me anyway. I should just die. Kill myself and get this shit over with
My furture looks horrible. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. My grades are awful.
“But family will always be there”
No they won’t
I feel so fucking alone and i really wish I had at least one friend.
But who wants to deal with my shit and me being all depressed for no good reason
I wish I was dead. Sorry for being a piece of shit
You’re not a piece of trash. Why are your grades slipping? Do you have a counsler you can talk to? Why do you feel like life would be better if it were over?
I think my grades are slipping because I’m lazy and literally never feel like doing anything and everything just seems so hard… I just don’t feel like doing this whole growing up thing so I want to end it but I know I’ll never really commit suicide…..The future just seems so terrifying and I don’t want to deal with it
I agree with Ria – you’re not a piece of trash. First of all – grades aren’t a good measure of a person. IT DOES GET BETTER – is a good phrase to remember. You feel things so intensely – and that will be gift you will appreciate someday. Is there something that you enjoy doing? What kinds of things do people tell you that you do well? My guess is – that you’re obsessing a little on things that aren’t working… but that you have some gifts that you regularly overlook…