So I’m back… It’s been over a year since my last post and at the current moment I’m not really suicidal. I’m just in pain and I’m scared. There’s a girl I used to be good friends with and she was kinda like my therapist and now we don’t talk. Over the past year my emotions have built up and now they’re starting to be released… Violently. And I’m scared. There’s a girl I wanna ask out but if she says yes, what if I accidentally go off on her? I don’t want to hurt her. I really like her. I’m just scared to be close to people cause I might hurt them. I tried to choke a kid the other day and I half blacked out. I don’t remember much of what happened. I’m just getting scared and worried. I needed to vent a little so that’s why I decided to come back. Hello darkness, my old friend.
Hello! I’m fairly new here. Love to hear dark tales.
One question though….have you thought of taking up boxing? Might help.
I used to have a serious temper. I got away from it. But a rage that overwhelming plus blackouts? Have you seen a doctor about it? Does that kind of condition have a name?
Putting aside the Hulk references, have you tried mediation? I’m guessing that medication for something like that would have serious unpleasant side effects.
Plus, police have a tendency to kill visibly upset people.
If having a meaningful dialog with someone helps, then we need to find someone for you ASAP. How long has this been going on? Have you ever been in a freak accident where a javlin went up your nose? Which would more likely trigger your rage: Jar-Jar or Anakin?
I was abusing some medications a few weeks ago and I blacked out. The first time I’ve ever experienced one. It scared me.
Welcome back! I’m new on this website, but I’m here to help if you need anything. Venting can help loads (it has in my case), and I hope that the thing with the girl works out! C: