I posted on here a while ago asking for help with therapy. I wanted to ask why do people feel the way they do when you tell the truth about how you feel. Yes everything that everyone is going threw is sad, but if you really want help with it you have to be honest and tell the truth right. But then when you tell the truth you get nothing but negative reactions or people just blow you off. I compleatly understend now why everyone never really tells people there true feelings. Well not to people like there families. One of the worst part about the whole thing is that when when someone dose find the curage to kill themselves. There family and friends are in some way releaved. Whether they are compleatly tarable to you or they love you to bits, when you die they dont have to worry about if your going to do it or not or be afraid of finding you dead. All that being said obviously there is still hope for the people who havnt killed themselves, even the ones who feel hopeless. I know im not making sense, but my point is that there are still people who love all of us even if you havnt found them yet or never will they are still there and they love you. And if you dont belive it well fuck it i love damn it. Again im sorry if it dosnt make sense im feeling a little emotional right now and im a little high but yeah good night
It makes sense to me.
What are you high on if you don’t mind me asking? For someone who is high, you make a lot of sense.
Being high doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re completely out of your mind! 😛
No, I know that. I didn’t mean it like that. I’ve been high a couple of times. I usually have racing thoughts and be all over the place with everything that I say.
Good old mary jane
I can totally relate to this.
I think maybe it’s because these things are a bit hard to contain. They’re a bit contageous. So even though honesty is a great virtue and very helpful, offloading your problems on an individual can overwhelm that person and make them feel drained of energy.
But I sort of believe that if we all got into the habit of talking more openly about our inner lives, then we’d realise that hurting isn’t dangerous, especially if it isn’t allowed to build up and you can go over it with someone else. Maybe it could become a natural part of coping: sharing.
It just doesn’t seem to be that much in vogue in a very individualistic and photoshopped modern world.