so this is what I sketched, I will be painting this…. Yes the sky in this (yes it is in open air) isn’t doing anything, mostly because I plan to paint that in a fairly abstract manner representing the sun to be somewhere in that circled area in the cornour (not the entire thing probably, and probably not even circular, that I mostly put there to sort of have an idea of where light is roughly coming from (not all objects follow that perfectly though)) I also plan to make the sky sort of patterned in some way (I will have to play with paints on a separate sheet of paper to figure that out) as I sort of do want to maybe represent clouds or something, but I don’t want anything of too much interest. This was drawn sort of using two-point perspective (as assigned) but falls into using just one of the points for some of the objects…. I feel like I may want to do a red analogous colouring of this (red-violet, red, and red-orange) but I also sort of want to use compliments just so I could mix them together to get nice shades for the shadows…. but then again I could use grey, but also thinking that maybe this should be cooler and maybe just use purple like a mono-chrome sort of thing…. and yes some objects are floating…. So any suggestions at all? I don’t entirely like it, but I also don’t hate it….
From left to right it looks like:
1) A toaster
2) A work bench (with an over-sized pencil south of it).
3) A mouse-trap without the spring mechanism and killing arm.
I like it, what are you going for here?
I was just drawing objects…. we are supposed to create a believable but surreal space. So I guess that was what I was going for.
I like it.