I have a big problem telling fantasy from reality. And no i don’t there are like fairy puff princesses everywhere. i just had a really horrible friend that she ended up using me, and so it was fake but all the while i thought we were truly friends. That was one of many things that has lead me into deep depression, i cut, burn, and think about killing myself… there’s a lot more to the story, but i cannot go there, because i cannot come to terms with the past… i am fifteen the only boyfriend i have ever had dumped me because it was damaging his ego.. i know drop him right? well heres the thing, he helped like cure my depression for like a couple of months. To go off on another subject i have to read like texts several times otherwise i think that they are fake, or didn’t happen. I see a therapist, she told me it was ok to harm myself, and she twist’s everything i say to sound like something else. I want help or i wouldn’t be on this site… i just don’t really know where to look anymore, because i cut it off with that guy, today.. well yesterday i guess now… i don’t really have friends i have one cousin i lean on, but i feel bad going to him every night, sad, depressed and in need of saving. So yeah… killing myself seems like a good option.. as i said previously there’s a lot more to it, but thats all i can say right now.
Young darling, I know what you are feeling and saying. It feels so real. I still think it is real for me, but it’s easy for me to tell you don’t do it. Does that make sense? I feel like I don’t make sense sometimes. I am 25 years old. Let’s make a deal…..I will hang around as long as you do, okay? You tell me to keep going, and I will tell you the same. We have to be nuts….this can’t be a good idea. 🙂 We have lost any reason to live. I will stay here for you if you will stay here for me. Deal?
Just to be clear, I am a 25 yr old female. My heart goes out to you as a fellow girl who has to deal with these feelings at such a young age. I can’t imagine going through this ten years ago, when I was 15. Please wait, and I promise I will wait.
I feel very weird talking to such a young person on the internet like this, and I swear I do not have anything but good intentions at all. But I keep reading your post, and it’s like you’re the first person who knows what I’m feeling. Not being able to tell fantasy from reality…..i said that to a friend a couple of months ago, that I feel like I’m losing touch with reality. And people using me….I’m SO vulnerable, I can’t seem to stop it. Vultures smell me coming a mile away. I also know what it feels like to not be able to talk about stuff. You just can’t. You would love to talk, fix everything, and move on….but you can’t!!!! And I read everything over and over again, like you said. It’s so weird….I have no choice. And i finally reached out to my psychiatrist yesterday, and my worst fear came true….I felt like a crazy pest, like I was bothering him. I know how you’re feeling so well, girl. You are not the only one, and I am so glad to know I am not, either. We are not crazy. 🙂 But suicide is NOT a good idea. I totally believe that you should not kill yourself, and our situations are so similar, so I can only assume that I should not kill myself. It’s plain logic. I hope your heart feels lighter now. Please wait….wait, wait, wait, wait, wait…..that’s what I keep doing. I give it one more day and one more day. And I am actually very glad I have given myself so many chances. How long have you felt like this? It’s been about 5 or 6 months, for me.
Please don’t hurt yourself. Please talk to me first. Now I understand how those who know about my feelings feel….how scared they are for me. I don’t even know you, and I am so concerned for your well being. That gives life meaning to me again. If I am worried about a stranger’s life, then life must mean something. If life were random and meaningless, like I’ve been feeling, then I would agree with you. But I don’t! 🙂 I think you’re wrong! Which means I’m wrong, too! We’re wrong! 🙂 LOL Talk to me…..
Hey lilbluesuns, lemme help you out here, if you want her to talk to you, give her some way to like an email.
Thanks for the reminder, helper! 🙂