i just cant stand this anymore. every day when i wake up 1st thing on my mind is wish i could blow my brains out. its been like this for about 4 years. future to me seems like lonely, very boring, long and mentally painful and im just 19 years old. nothing i can achieve can make me happy. i know i will live my entire life alone and in this same state of mind as im now. now i have a meeting whit a psygologyst i wish he will give me some drugs i could take whit large amount of other drugs and alcohol to finish this off. but im not really sure if that is going to work. last thing i want is to fail at my own suicide(or “saved” by some one!). been thinking about jumping in front of a train or jumping off of 9 storey bulding. that would do it but i cant do it to my friends or my family (too messy and i dont have the balls) so ive come to 2 options either overdose on sleeping pills and every other drugs/pills i can find+alcohol or short drop hanging. so my question is is there any chanche i will experience any pain on any of those methods? (heard that short drop hanging is painless after 10-30sec) and the pills im going to take should do the job? (sleeping pills(100), muscle relacsants(40), pain killers(200), some tougher pain killers lol (100)+0.5liters of 38% alcohol. i dont really like the idea of hanging even tough it sound pleasant way to go so i probably go whit the pills… so what do you people think? hanging or pills or both!? (sorry for my bad english im from finland)
What specific sleeping pills, mscle relaxans or pain-killers were you planning on taking? Wouldn’t partial suspensio hanging be easier than short drop?
On the brightside you live in Finland