It bothers me when people who are living a perfectly normal life with no problems whatsoever say they’re suicidal. To me, saying you’re suicidal isn’t a joke at all. If you have nothing to be angry about life, why should you joke around with the meaning? I been suicidal since I was 12 but you know what, I’m trying my best to not do anything stupid. Living with my family isn’t the best place to be right now because there is constantly arguing and fighting going on while I have so called “friends” who are never there when I need them and whom only cares about themselves. Knowing you’re depressed and angry inside and knowing why you’re living on earth is the meaning of suicidal and people take it for granted. They can have great confidence, a happy family, good grades, and great friends and they’ll still say “I wanna die”. Wtf? To me that’s just being selfish and inconsiderate. To compare with how many times I tortured myself because I hate life while hearing someone else close to perfect saying they hate their life makes me hate life even more and just think of all the battles people fight though. This isn’t really a great concern but I just want people to know, death is not a joke.
Yeah, I know. One of my self-caring friends just made a ultra tiny cut, saying: “See, I’m suicidal!”.
My reaction: “If you are suicidal, what are we? Already dead?”
Aah, never mind, some need attention 🙂
Yes i do believe some people don’t really understand, but just bcz they can appear to have great confidence, a happy family and have good grades, and great friends does not mean that they don’t have problems just like you or that their problems aren’t as overwhelming to them as your are to you. For all you know there life’s suck just as much as your does but they feel the need to keep up a front and pretend that their life’s are as perfect as can be. Trust me i’m one of those people, everyone around me thinks i’m perfect, smart, pretty, outgoing, and that i have a great family. yes i do get good grades, and go out with friends but its all a front bcz in reality i’m falling a part.
All i’m trying to say is what you see is not everything, you don’t know how they feel just like they don’t know how you feel. things aren’t always what they seem
If you have everything and hate it all, thats as bad as having nothing
Deprssion is a feeling caused by emotions not experince.
I was once told by a good friend that there are people in this world who have no flushing toilets or have to work 12 hours a day for a loaf of bread and they still have the will to live so should I. This did not help me at all. Of course there will always be worse of but that does not make your pain less real.
Though like you I don’t lke it if someone is having what I call a blue day and they say they are suicidal then the next day they are fine. They don’t understan what suicidal really means.
Jules xx
@Jules You brought up a great point people don’t understand that If you have water and food you can still be suffering. People say “people in Africa have no food so stop being depressed your life is great” People in Africa are suffering but they want to live and If they get food they are fine there is no such cure for Depression. People also say “just keep fighting it” It robs me of all motivation to fight it and if I do fight it its still there tomorrow, I can’t sleep to regain more energy to keep fighting. Sometimes people also say “some people have cancer and they are still fighting it” They dont understand that I dont want to fight it anymore, and that I see no value in life and no motive to live.
I believe it is all about hope. You lose hope you lose the will to live.
If you are starving in Africa or if you find out you have cancer and you fight and fight to live I believe it is hopw which gives you the will to live.
Just like Wolf said if you lose that hope you stop fighting. I have had depression and suicidal thoughts for 17 years but I have always kept fighting cause I have always had hope thiings would get better. Now that hope is fading so my will to live or my fight is slowly ending. Like Wolf said I think sleep has alot to do with that for me anyway as I don’t sleep I’m often to tired to fight the feelings.
Julia xx
Same here…I have got a lovely Mom, Dad, Husband, Sisters, Brothers, Kids, good Job etc…However I feel suicidal whenever i fight with my husband. but my Husband loves me a lot…..Is this a delusion???
People who we believe have less than us in other countries refrain from thinking and analyzing or comparing their lives to others. They live in the moment and do their thing and ‘accept’ their reality. On some level they know their own internal happiness is their call…so they choose to go with the flow and it allows for simplicity and peace in their lives. If you think you have it bad…then you do. Same goes for the opposite.
I have good grades but food, good family…not so much. I have some food don’t get me wrong, but sometimes its not me who choses not to eat (I’m anorexic) it is because there is nothing I can eat. I have an ultra sensitive stomach.
Ha either way, sorry to get off topic, I’m very suicidal and I hate those who think they know it all. “BE HAPPY. That’s all you need to not be depressed” BULL SHIT. That isn’t it at all. I say those who have never been through self harm, depression, or suicidal thoughts should shut the fuck up and let us deal with our problems.