religious nuts. thats what i said to him when i saw some preechers on the streets. im 17. i used to be mildly religious, i used to pray and be conscious of my sins, then at 13 my innocents was robbed ironicaly my cross pendant that i wore permenantly broke in the process, i kept the truth to myself but it slowly ate away at me, destroying any faith i had, leading me down a dark hole of depression. then i met sam again, after 3 years of just saying hey down the corridoor. he caught site of my scars and fresh cuts, he opened […]
Do you remember when your breaking point was. When you finally couldn’t take all the darkness that you felt around you. The moment you let yourself down.. The moment when you didn’t give a shit if you died or lived. I remember it and I have the evidence for the rest of my existing life. I only cut myself on the left side of my wrist. Why ruin your other wrist. Just put the pain all in one spot at a time. Just look at your artwork of scars. I remember when the breaking point was. I promised my self I would never harm myself, […]
I have had depression as long as I can remember, I am 36 years old and was recently diagnosed with treatments resistant depression. I have always told my husband that it didn’t matter what medication I was on, my depression always comes back. That diagnosis was why and the last thing I needed to hear. I am now even more hopeless that, yet again, new meds seemed to be working but have now stopped.
I am a nurse and I know there are many treatments/meds etc to try but I have tried so much, I see a psychiatrist monthly and a therapist weekly as well as […]
I have been feeling down lately and bottling things a lot. I did something I’ve never done before. I took a sheet of paper and wrote down the title “REASONS WHY YOU SUCK”. Unexpectedly I wrote it very quickly, listing it all in points.
Then I cried.
And calmed down after a few minutes. Then, I looked at the list I wrote. I started writing again beside the points– this time, arguing against it. This is the result.
1. You fail at everything. (you scored A* in your Alevels, got scholarship to China, won best speaker award in CIMA, scored 100 in […]
Uh so I’m John, 12 turning 13 on November 19. A little more than a year ago I started getting loads and loads of messages on instagram on my face, my body, and everything about me. I’m 92 pounds and not proud of it, pansexual, and gender queer. My family is Catholic and they don’t approve of me. Everyone keeps saying “Oh your siblings will never approve of you they’re your siblings!” But it’s not the same. They call me freak, emo dumbass, little Shit. Just because I love who I love, just because I don’t have call myself male or female. I’m atheist and […]
I have got good Grades in School, All my friends are back, made new ones, gotten over brake ups and make new relationships 🙂 I just hope I don’t get my heart broken again, I have been given a second chance by so many people, I have fixed things,Going to see my favorite band in January (Slipknot), I am starting to really love life 🙂 But one thing that did kinda put me down today was I got a message off a stupid 13 year old threatening to kill themselves because they cheated on there girlfriend who was apparently the love of his life bullshit, […]
I’ve always felt I was brought into this world by mistake, that I was meant to be in some other solar system. I’m just not like other people here. I have no friends, no job, no life. I haven’t really been happy since I was 12 (I’m now 62)
I do think about suicide sometimes, and believe people like Robin Williams are just braver than I am. I figure that at 62 I can’t have many more years of this agony anyway.
I find it very sad to see these posts from 12 and 13 year olds. You are very young and things have a way of […]
Lately I’ve been trusting no one. My “best friend” said she didn’t want to be my friend anymore when she found out I was emo.I’ve known her since I was 6 and now I’m 12 almost 13. Also one of my guy friends from school turned his back on me and started calling my names. Past friends have left me also,my dad and step mom found out that I’ve cut myself, my sister was being nosy and heard what we were saying and went and told all her friends. Some of my friends know about it too from my sister. I just hope that my […]
I feel so pathetic. My life hasn’t even been that bad. I’ve never been physically abused by anyone. Both my parents are alive, and my family isn’t poor…
So why do I feel so depressed… So empty? I feel so tired, but I’m only 13. Why?
Maybe it’s because I have to put on a mask whenever someone is around, after all it’s been that way since I was 9… I think I’m even starting to trick myself with my own mask.
I feel like an actor in a play I never auditioned for… My script is prewritten and made to deceive, my mask to convince. I can’t […]
Soo i’m 13 and i noticed i have no reason to live because my parents hate me (seriously, they freaking hate me), my brother that loved me so much is now treating me like a stranger and i have “friends” actually hates me. I don’t get it. I don’t get the reason that i choose to live, the boy that i like is the only reason i live. Why? he treats me soo much better than my “friends” and family.
I need advice on how to be happy, because i am sooooo close of taking my own life. so please help me, i need you.
Well tomorrow is Tuesday and i have class for 13 hours. I have a quiz that I can’t study for but with the right thing i know I can ace it . Tomorrow, I will try to become independent but well see how that goes. I am trying to accept that my grades don’t really matter unless its general ed. I can’t wait to leave this school and go someplace I belong.
Hello, the guy I’ve been reading about on here getting his life destroyed by zero hedge… Well mate my situation is 200x more scifi than that, gangstalking target world famous me, youtube spongebobs secret tv channel 🙂 the person who had the mushroom trip and realised everything only to remember the very small details you can comprehend, me too! this place is nothing but a game show, the world, and the universe at that 😉 and everyone with hurtful non caring families, My step dad of ten years tried to have me raped and killed twice, my dad ran away because he was scared, and […]
Here I am, sitting here in my dorm with the light out. The sun is going down, soon there will only be darkness in my room. There is a concert going on and if I go, I will have a panic attack.
I don’t have a roommate because we didn’t get along. Who am I able to get along with? I really want to know. Every social situation has my stomach in knots. My palms saturated in sweat. My stomach a mess.
I have never felt truly suicidal until I came to college. I’ve dealt with depression since I was about 12 or 13, but turning 18 […]
I cut myself and I do it cuz I think it would make me feel better…my girlfriend told me yesterday that she didn’t love me and that I was wasting my time with her…and that its over…i loved her so much that I would have died for her as much as her best friend…her best friend was cutting her self too…and now I finally understand y… Her best friend said she would die for me and I thought that their is only three people who care about me and my ex girlfriend is not one of them…my family doesn’t love me…they all hate me and […]
Lived for 13 years, almost 14 and still haven’t found out what the hell I’m doing. There is no sad sob story, there’s just my bleak life.
For those of you who were moved by the plight of orphaner-coolscar… don’t be.
The 13 Year Old Girls Who Cried “suicide”
On this thread about 13 year old girls who cry wolf about suicide, a couple of links were posted by Koji about a former member of this site – a 15 year old girl who supposedly killed herself at the beginning of this year – eloquently describing why we should never judge what’s going on in the minds of some of the teenage attention whores who post on this website trying to solicit sympathy.
The links show the moving final post of orphaner-coolscar as she described her last night and suicide method in detail, followed by a heartfelt […]
I’ve been depressed since i was 4…why so young? it started when i realised, what losing someone and getting bullied was. I was bullied when i was 4…is that even okay?…I’m 13 now and you know what, im worse than i was before, im suicidal. AT THIRTEEN…Because ive been bullied most of my life…ive been beaten, and used by so many people…And ever since April…ive been planning my suicide, Because someone pushed me to the edge, they used me to feel good about themselves…Im planning to finally […]
I’ve never had much luck with love. It seems that every time I fall for someone, they can’t reciprocate my feelings. I had a girlfriend I really loved when I was younger, from the age of 12 to 13, but I became a phase to her and so she left me. After that I had a few relationships in middleschool and college but I was just settling for people I knew I didn’t love simply because I didn’t want to be alone. I’ve had a few people proclaim their love for me and it always makes me feel terrible when I don’t feel that way […]
never in my life did I think there were as many people who feel the same way as me. I am 45, been battling since I was 10 or so. I have won and lost, two prior attempts that but by the grace of God i survived. However even though I firmly believe I am a walking miracle I still know that one day I will end it.
I don’t know exactly when, but I do know what will be my last straw, and that will be when I lose my best and only true friend Chip. my chocolate lab. he is 6 now, so […]
No idea how I just survived nearly three days incredibly suicidal. I am exhausted. Ready to sleep for a few days. How the fuck did I make it yet again. I cried so much my eyes hurt. I am really only here because my cats. They are my furry angels. One is 13 with cancer. She is doing really well. I am mostly her for her because I don’t trust anyone to take care of her or my other little angels.