Hey guys, I guess you can say that I am new to this website, although I have read quite a few posts here. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone would like to talk? I am feeling worthless, and nobody really cares about me. You know, I am the girl who everyone thinks is super happy and joyful. I am good at faking smiles. And I am just really sick of it, and I want to cut myself but I don’t want anyone to see how weak I am. And, well, I am just not feeling well. So, is there anyone feeling the same way who would […]
2007 singles
Why wait for death when we can strive for something we desire, come with me
Escape. That’s what we desire. Want. Who doesn’t need to be wanted? This is our shot.
The reason we feel so empty and vile about ourselves isn’t our fault, it’s our
environment. We are one and the same and we need to take steps to stay alive. That’s
why I’m leaving to roam the country, feel free and alive again…like I did before and
I’m inviting any of you to join me. All we need is each other. There is unity in who
we are. We may be the black sheep, the broken hearted, the crazy psychos. But we are
also the explorers, the innovators, […]
Tonight, I am planning to kill myself. I have planned many times to but I have held back because of what seemed like people who cared or the sacredness of what people would think if I failed. Tonight, however, ends all of this. To if you were my friend or you call yourself a friend of mine, I am sorry, but you should have known this was coming. To my family aside from my adoptive mom, I am sorry. To my teachers and other adults, why could not have done something. I know you guys have seen my cuts and scars. Some of you have […]
It seems like forever since I’ve been on this website, and I pity myself for needing to come back, for needing to vent about something that never leaves, the follows me as close as my own shadow.
This feeling, this dreaded feeling is back, and as I try, day by day, to push it to the back of my mind, all it does is grow, feeding off my happiness.
I’m upset, so upset that it seems that all is going well, yet this feeling won’t allow me to feel joy, to feel anything besides remorse. I want to be the one who is always smiling, […]
People say only cowards kill themselves…they need a way out so they take their own lives. That’s not true people have so many problems when they hit bottom you would think the only way to go from there is up. Some people like myself mentally and physically can’t we don’t see no were to go…we once had a thing that pushed us to live, but that thing is no longer there. I’m going to be honest I think about killing myself at least once a day. To be honest again if I knew how many pills to take then I would be already gone…I don’t […]
The longer i stand here,
the louder the silence,
i know that you’ve gone,
but sometimes i swear that i hear,
your voice when the wind blows,
so i talk to the shadows,
hoping you might be listening,
because i want you to know…
it’s so loud inside my head,
with words that i should have said.
as i drown, in my regrets,
i can’t take back,
the words i never said,
i never said.
Words- Skylar Grey