I think… feel… know I’m worthless. This feeling of worthlessness does not solely originate from external factors. I’m a lazy sonofva, an unmotivated fool, a academically inept, and pretty much a waste of space of a human being. Those are some the sources of my pitiful wanting to end it all. However, as weird as it may sound, when I “tried” to actually “end it”, at the moment of knowing it will all be over, I felt joy, relief, and “not” depressed. Obviously I am still alive evidenced by me typing and sharing this and also I’m not in a hospital or any medical institution. […]
Unlike the human race who keeps trying to stay alive, I try to die every day. I’ve become so close, I have no fear of anything anymore. I cut more more each day, and take more xanax each day and if I bled to death or did not wake up it would be ok, I’m just not afraid anymore. That’s how I know that I’m finally at the End. Each day to stay alive is a new struggle and I’m tired of this fight, I don’t even want fight anymore so I’m thinking today is the day. Anna
the worst part of this shit is the fact that ill never get to tell my side of the story. Everyone thinks I’m a child molester so I have no side. I want to shout so badly that none of its true but if I do then I’m lying. I’m so tired. I cant cry because its fake I can’t smile because then I’m looking for attentions. I know god is laughing at me. Why am I still alive. I really shouldn’t be alive, I don’t event want to be alive. I have to hold everything in all the time. I lash out at people […]
“This is the ring you’ve always wanted. It took quite some time, but I got it for you now. Do you like it?”
Addendum of Shone Lexter
“Angela cried again. The beads of tears flowing down her cheeks. She didn’t let out a single sound. Her tears, I dislike the most. Then all over again, I found my reason to live. I found a reason to fight. I’ll have to learn to let go of everything else and just focus on Angela. I need to make that sad soul happy… To bring laughter to her lips… To give her strength in every breath she takes. I have to stop being selfless. I need to start fighting for my priority, and not let even time and space stop me… No […]
I always wake up asking myself what’s the point of still being alive. Why should I even do anything.
What’s keeping you alive to this day? What’re you living for and how did things get better for you?
Are you glad to be alive today?
Also, under what circumstances pushed you into the attempt?
When I finally get the courage to step out of this joke called life, I want my obituary to be honest. “She is survived by her cats, the only living creatures that loved her unconditionally. Some people on a website might be sad she’s gone, but the rest of us couldn’t be bothered to treat her like anything but a burden while she was alive. We’ll just brush aside the fact she was the most loyal person we ever met. Thank goodness she’s gone!”
Why the fuck am I still alive.
Well, here i am, back again after a year or so. I left just after the lonelyplatypus incident, anyone find out if she was OK? Nice to see some of you still alive here, and I hope those that aren’t are in a happier place. To everyone else, hello, and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintances.
i found this site by searching up what would happen if i swallowed 12 nurofen. it wasn’t for me but for my friend who i love very much. I’m worried about her safety but also my own because I’m extremely unhappy.. i feel sick.. i feel like dying.. everyday this girl asks me if i will be alive tomorrow before i go offline, just so she knows i won’t kill myself. today i feel like purposefully not being online so she can’t ask me. that way no commitment. that way i can die and she won’t even know. my parents don’t know her so she […]
Hey guys,
Does any one else wish that they’d die painlessly but then somehow their “soul” can see who truly cared and then hit like a big red reset button so you can be alive again except now you know whom to care for.
I don’t see the purpose of being alive.
Last week, Darvin wrote a list of 100 “reasons” as we should stay alive. I commented but didn’t go into depth. I read each one. My replies are in all caps.
HERE WAS DARVINS POST. THIS IS MY TAKE. my responses will be in all caps in order to tell between his and mine. Not yelling.
“1. We would miss you – YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME.
2. It’s not worth the regret. Either by yourself if you failed or just simply left scars, or the regret everyone else feels by not doing enough to help you – THE DEAD HAVE NO REGRETS. I WONT FAIL WHEN THE […]
Failed suited attempts are a pain in the butt. They lock you up in a hospital, everyone freaks out. You feel this huge amount of guilt, and rarely no relief that you’re alive, only more depression becuase you didn’t succeed. Family always makes you feel guilty, how could you do this? Why didn’t you tell me. Like duh , if I told you, you would’ve stopped me, and I wanted to die. Then comes the painful process of “getting better” “learning to be happy”. You’re supposed to make all these steps so you don’t do it again and promise you’ll get help. But when you […]
I spent ten years building a business and all my close friends fell away. I don’t think my girlfriend has any passion for me. I dont think my business partner has any passion for the business. I’m not the best at what i do and i feel like everyone is watching me fail.
The only thing that’s keeping me alive is that my parents are too. They shouldn’t have to plan a funeral. Sigh. Maybe the universe will take me naturally.
Are you still here?
I hate waking up and realizing I’m still alive.
I don’t know if anyone on here remembers me. I had another name a while ago but for some reason couldn’t log onto it anymore. I was WHyyyyy. Still alive and I don’t know why. This is a nightmare. I have lost my soul and a lot of money from my gambling/poker addiction. My personality and everything is gone. No strength left. I have a plan to drive my car off a 400 foot cliff. It seems like such a long time ago I was this sick, but its only been little over a year. Life is wayyy to long and way to hard.
Most people seem to value life all the way down to the stem cell and beating heart. As long as your brain stem is intact (as in the cases of Terri Shiavo and Bobby Kristina Brown) people seem to think that the “life” has value, even though they are in a persistent vegetative state. they must be keep alive at all cost our CULTrue says. Even when end of life “care” happens, also in the case of Terri Shiavo, instead of just injecting them with something you can give a dog when you put them down, they just leave them starving to death for 10 […]
I tried collecting my thoughts as they come in pairs
An overwhelming feeling followed by emptiness,
As im searching for the signs between intersections in my mind,
I trace back to questions left behind
That led me to a line between certainty and confusion
When I can’t tell the difference between
When I can’t see the difference it seems
What holds me together
What breaks me down
What pulls me under
What keeps me alive
This are the thoughts that keep me up every night
And I can’t help but be consumed by this
My thoughts derail and collide with insecurities,
Like crooked teeth I lose my place, […]