I am maladjusted to this bad commercial called “Life”. The thought of being just another person makes me sick. There is always someone smarter, more talented, better looking, stronger, faster, and the list goes on ad nauseum. I guess happy people take one of two roads: 1)They constantly reassure themselves either knowingly or not, that they are this great value, this special person, this one-of-a-kind individual, or 2)They resign to being a pleasure-seeking mammal…The only thing that is true and everlasting is death, and on this side of the grave, there is not a thing a person can do that holds real value except suicide. It is the ultimate decision-not based on sex, money, fame, security, or malice. THAT is freedom. Everyday I wake up and reboot with the same bug in the software, and I’m growing tired of it. True happiness and true peace is a state of not being. Think about it, were things not perfect before you were born? The only reason for living is pleasure (even charity workers do their work because it makes THEM feel good, otherwise why do it?) and I cannot enjoy things anymore. I’m tired of my face, my scrawny body, my half-talents. I’m tired of being nervous and feeling unimportant. What do I get for not committing suicide? Another day of all that? I was brought up in a “normal” home, never was poor, I’m not disfigured and I can go back to college any day I want because my family has money, but with all that, why can’t I just be satisfied like so many other people can with much less?? I’ve thought about ways to commit suicide: gun, pills, leaping off something, drowning, death by cop, slitting my wrists, hanging, turn my car into a tree, run my car in the garage…The ONLY thing that keeps me from doing it is to think about how my family would react. I was walking in the woods the other day and thought of an epithet: Remember me well, and jaded.
I know how you feel, everyday I feel like another number, nothing special. I have one talent and thats just a bass guitar and any other skills that i’m no good at frustrates me. I feel as if I must be the best at everything. Even if there is a girl that I don’t like, if she thinks another guy is better I try my hardest to 1-up him. At times I flip out when I cant achive an action. For example: I like a girl that can speak fluent French, I am jealous that i cant learn it well. Sure I have more reasons to die but those are the basics of my frustration. The only thing that stops me from killing myself is the fact God just might be real, and if he is and i kill myself, it is said I will burn in hell forever. We want to die to escape pain, not to re-live it all.
I agree. Same situation… Only I have an ego enough to say my talents are awesome… Not the point…
The idea of death is perfect. And even if your family crys, pr whatever, their reaction dosn’t matter, you’ll be dead, there’s no way you’ll get or know or recive anything about the reaction… my problem isn’t the reaction… It’s the pain. Good pep talk eh? Not really much of one…
i agree. there is only so much a person can take. yeah iv seen the way suicide hurts people fuck its hurt me . but it doesnt mean i dont think about it daily. everyone got on with their lives. after a year the only times they remembered they were gone was on a holiday or the anniversary of their death. i dont want pity from people. im not doing it for atention. i would be doing it because its what i want not what my parnts want or think . i want to escape this horrrible world that i got placed on and stop burdoning everyone else’s lives . i want to end all the pain and live happily in some far off memory. idc if theres a god or an after life. i just want an end to this.
At least you have compassin to try to find a way to live and not burden yor family with the incomprehensible pain of taking your own life and leaving them behind with a lifetime of ‘what ifs’ and ‘if only’s’.
There is no value in suicide, almost sounds like an oxymoron. There must be something in this vast world that you have an interest in, why not explore it, join a group that shares your interests, why not try volunteering some of your time to any number of worthwhile causes where somebody ablebodied like yourself is needed- don’t knock it til you try it. Get a job, so at least for 6-8 hours a day you’re busy thinking of other things and you can make friends joke around, pull pranks, live life…if not for yourself at least for the people who love and care about you. Just because you don’t think your important or a crucial part of this world doesn’t make it so.
I thought about that the other day, and if you have so much time to spare, if i had the money, i’d quite my job, and go help out at a animal shelter, thats what i’d do, and that might also open your eyes to a few things…
Hi Dods,
continuing from my other comment.
“you cannot argue that Mother Theresa did charity work in part because it made her feel good.”: Very briefly about her, she left her family FOR GD to do social work, devoting almost 70 years to it. During the early yrs, she had to beg for necessities for herself and others. At a time when leprosy and AIDS sufferers terrified ppl for contagion, she kissed their hands, hugged them and took them in. She often contracted illnesses from the ppl she helped. She purposely lived poverty to remind her the pain of the ones she was helping. Many times, Hindus threw sticks at her when she preached Christ.
“my point was that part of the root of every deed is to satisfy self-esteem.”: The level of her devotion to help is ridiculous. However, the reason she started was more for her religion than really to help people. For some others, it isn’t always self-esteem issues.
— Has there ever been anybody who helped for absolute ZERO self-benefit? Parents, good friends, do they do it because the person was important to them or because they are pure good incarnate?
On the flip-side; ppl who solicit donations for recent Tsunami, China Earthquake, and pocket everything. Both extremes are very rare among humanity. The big mass between? “person attempt suicide but did not accomplish – trying to gain sympathy points. person half hearted suicide jumping – land on concrete pavement 3-4ft from the block. she waited till the paramedics & police arrived………. conclusion, trying to gain sympathy points”, quote a random idiot from the net; a large no. of ppl who behave in this idiotic fashion.
— What I feel, and u don’t have to listen to me, is that when I see ppl sacrificing much more than they can expect in return, I see them as gd ppl, and a rarity in these times. I don’t even care abt their motivations. Of course, this (and everything I wrote) is only 1 person’s POV, and better if u just use these as food for thought to reach ur own conclusions.
“If you can’t recognize that then you are deluding yourself, which may have been just what you needed to grow out of some of your issues…”: Frankly speaking, I would rather not make this abt me. But since it was done with a semi-accusing tone… Do u know what it feels like to be so broken that everyday u cry for somebody, anybody to be a saviour, and yet no one came? Until ur mind snaps and u go insane and still no one came? And then u realise that ur saviour would have to sacrifice all his/her time, energy and even his Soul to love u to stand even a chance of getting u out of this bottomless rut, which means impossibility because humanity doesn’t exist such a person? So u give up all hope and truly feel like a Damned One, like a blind and crippled person wandering in Lifetime Hell looking for a tiny exit in an endless maze? I do, and I’m sure u too.
I’m not so big as to say “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemies”, because I would love to let them know the consequences of being an asshole, but I TRULY believe almost all here don’t deserve this. I said before I needed a distraction for a while, and, yes, that’s MY selfish reason, but I needn’t come here for it when there are millions of other web-sites to spend my time on and, in all honesty, I’d rather help animals because I like them a lot more than humans. But I understand the need, the DESPERATION for help, from ppl who are like me, so I came here instead. Unfortunately, having said that, my limits means I can’t provide more than insignificant help, I know. But since many here are helping each other anyway, I just try to play a part as well.
Sorry for writing so much and being patient with me. Take care.
Well I think you put nicely for me and many other suffer. We are not special superbeings just normal people. And YES people who are satisfied sith themselves either constantly talk to themselves or consume or they try to make other people to praise them.
Dont despair – laugh about it, and be compassionate with them but prominently WITH YOU.
And my constant comment (I cant figure it from written words) – check whether you do not suffer from some form of chronic depression or anxiety disorder.
Love, Hug-O