My relationship with my partner of 12 years has failed. Â I gave up my family and my culture to be with him in another country. Â Somehow, I have managed to end up with no job, no career, no money and no prospects, with a 4 yearold and a 2 yearold in my care. Â I have struggled with depression and the care of 2 kids while hubby kept going with his fancy career and now he wants the kids. I have nothing to offer – there is no money or recognition in being the mother of my children. Â All the court wants to know is how I am going to provide for their financial and physical wellbeing. He has a loving family that supports him and the kids unconditionally, not so with me. Â I am beat – I am about to lose my kids and it is going to kill me. Â I cant even afford a divorce lawyer. Â There isnt much more to say. Â I hand them over at the end of the month. Â God help me.
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Please, PLEASE, do not give up, if not for you but for your kids. I know it sucks about the whole job thing and being a stay at home mom doesn’t do ANYTHING for anybody but your kids, but when they grow up they will realize that you did what you could and you stayed around to raise them while DADDY just paid the bills. I am stuck in the same situation (kinda) but there are things out there to help you even if you are from another country , in fact even more things for that matter. there are things called christian counseling that will GIVE you a lwayer. get a job at Mc Donalds’ it may not be the best thing but it will help. if you need to talk let me know TONYA