You can choose to read this or not. I know it’s long.
I’m 17.
Ever since I can remember I’ve been witnessing abuse in my household.
When I was 4, I remember seeing my parents fist fight all the time, & I could never understand why. I remember seeing a few relatives standing in my doorway, but I don’t know why they were standing there, or if they really were there at all. I got my first taste of first-hand violence when I was 5. My mom was holding me in her arms while my dad was punching away at her face. & I remember asking him to stop hurting her, but he said he wasn’t. & He went to punch her again, & I got punched instead.
Since then, if I do anything “bad”, I get punched, hit, smacked, & sometimes choked. Sometimes alone, sometimes infront of mom, & sometimes even infront of friends. Alot of people know, actually, which is the funny thing. DCFS is called often, but I’m always forced to lie. They never ask me alone, & I never understand why they don’t ask me alone, what happened. They ask me why I have bruises or cuts or bumps. & Of course I have to lie, or else suffer worse consequences, let alone the once I’d already get from them being over in the first place.
I forgot about this next incident for a very long time until maybe 2 months ago.
When I was in 4th grade, I recall my mom having a nervous breakdown, & I didn’t understand that. I just remember she used to wake me up at 5 in the morning to tell me “Jesus was coming.”
On one of those mornings, she undressed me & undressed herself, & molested me while reciting a prayer.
After about 5 minutes, I got scared, & told her to stop. I pushed her away & ran to put on a green striped shirt & khaki pants.
I felt terrible. Not for what she did. But, for what I did. I ran away from her & made her sad. I remember how sad she was when I ran.
I’m so used to apologizing. I apologize atleast 5 times a day, even when I don’t do anything wrong. It’s a terrible habit.
As of today.
My mom smacked me with a stack of papers & my dad shoved soap in my face. Why? I’m worthless.
My mom goes in & out of her thoughts throughout the day. She doesn’t listen to me a lot. She only hears what she thinks she hears, or doesn’t hear at all.
Today, we went to register for school. She told me to measure my height, & so I did. I came back to her, & she responded, “…Go measure your height.” & I replied with, “I did.” & I guess she wasn’t paying attention to me .. because she said it again, & so I said a little louder, “I did.” & so she wacked me with the stack of papers she was holding & was forced to leave the school by a Dean.
For this, I believe she shut my cell phone off, because it’s not working at the moment. I have signal & everything but cannot make calls.
Later on I get called downstairs by my dad, & I already know I did something wrong by the tone in his voice. He showed me the pan I washed earlier with a stern look on his face. & He asked me “What’s this?” in which I replied “What?” & he took his finger, wiped it on the pan, & then wiped it on my face.
I always feel like this. Worthless. But, today? It just feels like it takes on a whole new feeling. I’ve never felt so hollow & empty. I really am considering killing myself.
I know exactly how I’d do it, too.
Extension cord. Garage banister. Bam. Dead.
I’ve found one lovely person in this world who can understand the things I say, & his name is Henry Taylor.
But he lives about 5 states away. I love him dearly, but I feel as if it’s pointless sometimes. Other times, I feel as if my love is so strong, that it can reach to where he is. Maybe, because I have all this love to myself, since I have had nobody else to share it with my whole life.
I often sometimes think that maybe God protected my mind from remembering a lot of this, because he wanted me to remain strong, & he gave me enough time before I am able to legally leave to realize I need to get out of there, without being so overwhelmed.
Maybe. All I know for sure is that when if I’m still alive on January 7th, I’m going to leave this wretched prison. & I’ll go as far away from it as I can.
thank your story, it wasn’t too long. i’m very sorry that the world has put you through those experiences.
i can tell you right now that it could never be pointless to love someone. you don’t have to think about the distance between the two of you or anything like that, that sort of thing doesn’t matter.
i’m really glad that you’ve realized, or at least considered, that God does want you to stay strong. i’m certain that God has protected you, because no matter how bad your experiences have been, you are precious to Him. He’s watching and even grieving for you.
if you would like to talk about Him, i would love to. there’s peace only in Him. my email is
thank you for reading
Thanks :/
& Thank you for taking time for reading my entry.
Are you sure he’s grieving for me ??
I wonder that sometimes, but then sometimes I wonder if maybe I deserve this? Or he’s punishing me? I don’t know ..
noo!! nonononononooo He’s not punishing you. if it worked that way, don’t you think He’d punish your parents too? i’m certain that He should before touching a hair on your head!
you deserve nothing but love because God made you. there’s nothing about you that should cause anyone to love you other than that, because anything else about you could change, and you wouldn’t want someone to stop loving you just because you changed, would you? hopefully not. that’s the thing about God. He loves you, really does.
Why doesn’t he give me a break then :/
& my mother keeps coming upstairs to yell at me.
I tried talking to her about how I feel for once about how it’s not normal for kid’s parents to go to jail 5 times a year & she just doesn’t understand.
I’m so hurt, I really wish I was dead.
& now Henry’s telling me I’m selfish for wishing I was dead.
I told him & he said “… fine. be selfish. cause thats what it is.”
well it’s not that God isn’t giving you a break, it’s that you’re letting yourself dwell on this world. make your real focus God, and you’ll figure out what i mean.
please talk to God! tell God that it isn’t normal for your parents to be going to jail so often, tell Him what you want in live and give him EVERY detail, because He is listening, and He does want the best for you. just don’t expect Him to make it all easy for you, because He won’t do that – that’s not the point at all. pray for strength from Him, because we all need strength. strength from God is all we need to get through this life.
i’m sorry that Henry said that. suicide is self-centered, but just wishing you were dead usually isn’t really because of selfishness. he should be more concerned about your well-being rather than your virtues, at least right now. but i can tell he’s just trying to help, so please do your best to let him. forgive him if he offends you, because i bet that if you think about it, you’d realize he doesn’t really want to do that. please just forgive him.
please ask God for strength, not an easy life. He will hear you, He’s always listening.
Okay, I’ll pray tonight. & I did forgive him š
gxp i read your entry infact ive read a ton of entries. I have read many many peoples stories. First let me tell you this im not a jesus loving caring person i could care less. I just wanted to tell you that im sorry for your childhood. Things at a young age really twist peoples chain of thought.
Theres one thing i want you to take from me typing all of this bullshit. Theres still life ahead. Once you turn 18 you are simply free to do as your please get a job as soon as u can save your money make your life how you want it to be. Dont waste your time dwelling on the fact that your life was fucked up in the beginning. I mean if life is that hard change it if your 17 wake up man move on with life and do stuff on your own. fuck your shitty parents. People on this site really have lost their chain of though. If life is miserable where you are now get out! move on its really easy if you think you cant get out of the situation theres place online that can help you legally. You have to use your head. As far as your story goes i am glad you shared it. I do think that maybe you will take time to find the real you. I hope you find your way and that way is living. I dont give a shit about the average joe but you have a chance to see why life is worth living
Hi. I’m 17 too and I have a birthday in January! I’m sorry you go through so much. I’m glad you’ve found someone to love. I was also in a long distance relationship since I was 13 ish 14. I just want you to be careful because you don’t want Henry to be the only person you can be attached to or you will have problems down the road. I’m still with my boyfriend and we’re both enjoying college together. He moved up here just for me :). I hope that will happen for you too.
Also, sorry if this offends you but I’m not religious. I just want to say that if there were a god and if he did give a shit about our problems he would fix them. He is supposed to be all knowing and all powerful yet he does nothing. And if he is grieving for you he should put an end to your pain. So stop relying on a god that may or may not exist and may or may not care. It’s your life and you have to stop praying and just prepare your self for your escape. Do you know where your going in january? are you going to wait until your out of school to leave or are you leaving ASAP on Jan 7th. Do you have a job? A way to pay rent on a place? Are you staying with friends? How are you going to pay for college? Are you going to go to college? Even if you don’t live with your parents and do your own taxes you will still be seen as a dependent and will need a cosigner for loans. Do you have all of that worked out? So please, stop praying and get your ducks in a row. If god does bring you comfort however keep believing but don’t soley rest your hopes on him.
move away asap. move away. i hope henry is not an older man whom you are online dating. big mistake don’t do that either. you need to mvoe out and away and meet someone in person. people on the internet are dangerous. you could meet someone who will rape and kill you, just mvoe away and start new and don’t let people take advantage of you ebcause you’re weak right now, anyone can sweet talk a broken teenager, listen to me, i know what i’m talking about. ypu still have a chance to live don’t let your parents or online predators near you
i live in texas, want me to whup your dad and mom’s ass? they need it.
Blah123, lmfao, sounds lovely.
& also I totally understand what you’re saying, but he’s not a creeper. I’ve seen him on webcam, talked to his friends, saw pictures of him with family, & we’ve been talking for a pretty long time, now. I analyzed this one good.
hay i am just walking pass as i feel really down and depress too for most of my life, becuase of my family. My story is nothing like your’s but the end is i don’t get any love at all from my family too. I fight and fight hoping one day my family will change but i think it will never change. Today i got yell at again, just like you did, i don’t know why they keep yelling at me all day for nothing. I feel worthless too sometime and yes i have though of killing myself just to make them feel the pain of lossing me, but then i guess they wouldn’t care so i give up. I am 23 and i am going to move out as soon as possable but i got a feeling that it would be the same when i get out there into the world. may god bless you and all those who is in pain. I believe i am one of those lucky one so i shouldn’t give up. take care yo
God, honey. Reading your story made me cry because I kind of know what you’re going through. I had a very abusive relationship with my mother growing up and witnessed her fighting with my stepdad so many times I can’t even count. I spent so much time hating her for hurting me but hating to see her hurt. It’s such a strange cycle.
All I can say (and I say this even though I’m feeling so low right now that I myself have been having some scary thoughts of my own, thus me finding this site) is that it actually honest to God can get better. But it will be up to you. Look forward to turning 18, work hard, and leave as soon as you’re able to stand on your own. Because I can tell just by reading this that you’re a good person, you’re a STRONG person and I swear you do deserve better. This isn’t anything you deserved or caused. This isn’t a situation you could have, in any way, made better. You did the best you can and life is going to improve if you just give it a chance.
I’m not an expert at dealing with things like this. I’ve got problems of my own and I don’t always handle them right. But if you ever wanna talk feel free to email me. kaleidoscope_heart at hotmail dot com
I’ll be thinking about you. š
Though it is good to believe in God, you have to believe in yourself as well. š . You’ve had a terrible start to life and I am sorry. You’re not alone in the world, I do promise that. Even when it feels so bad that everything seems like it is against you.
You need to move away from your parents asap. Even if it’s just to a hostel for starters. Once you’ve got away from them, you’ll feel a huge burdon leave you. Then you can start to live for yourself. Find something you enjoy doing and see this guy Henry!
Easier said than done, I know.
But surely it’s worth a try?
Lots of love to you and all the luck in the world. There’s more out there than you think.
Jack. x
I think you’re not worthless. Infact the opposite. For putting up with such horrific experiances. I don’t mean to sound rude but your parents sound like cruel people. Is there someone in school you can trust a little? Besides the guy you mentioned. (Since I hear he claimed your selfish for feeling suicidal- I think he needs to learn abit more about suicide. Because it’s not selfish.)
I would try and help you more but I’m very limited in power- I live in England and can’t afford much.
I hope your able to get out of that place asap. And I hope someone more local can ensure your happiness.
I am not sure how things work where you live, but if you really do need to leave your home (and I believe it is very abusive from what you say) I would suggest talking to a counsellor at school or phoning your children’s protective services (DCFS) and ask to speak to someone there. They will have a case file on you and you can ask to be interviewed away from home. I cannot tell you what the results would be, but I would hope that they could find you a safe and caring home where you could finish out your school years. No child should be struck as you are. And molestation is a crime. You are a brave person. Please do what you need to to create a safe and healthy life. You deserve it and there are people out there who can help.