….is what “many” of you are here ….
This has been my brief, but overhwelming experience. I raise my hat off to you …you’re doing well for others, but never forget to do well for yourself too ….
Resilience means to stand up to challenges, because everyone has them in life just different kinds.
If our waking day is made up of 18 hours, be careful what and where you focus the majority of your day. Do not let others poison your mind with their lesser thoughts, but also do not poison your mind (& body) with your own. You are stronger to resist then you think.
Be aware. Be consciousness. Be Strong.
Being conscious does not mean being just awake, but instead being aware of our thoughts & the effect they have on others and ourselves. Once you are strong, you will adopt the adage, sticks & bones may hurt, but your words will never hurt me.
Throught history, people have always suffered, you are not alone, and you are not unique. Thought the causes of suffering may differ.
But you have one choice to make (although you may waiver bwt the 3 ~ be positive & strong, be indiffierent & uncaring, or be negative (and not as good as you can be).
All cruelty springs from weakness.
– Seneca
I leave you all with this video ~ speeches can lift hearts in dark times, give people hope in despair, refine & purify the characters of men & women, inspire brave feats of intellect & action, give courage to the tired, weary & oppressed, honor people for the good they are doing or have done, and good thoughts (speeches eg Martin Luther King, JFK) can even change the course of history. It is my desire that not just some, but ALL of you reach “your potential” …with a combination of positivity & hard work.
Life isn’t easy, dont expect it be. A fav saying i have is …. “the elevator to an easy life is out of order, please take the stairs”….meaning you have to physically climb the steps of life ahead of you.
The world is not an episode of I Dream Of Jeenie, where we can just wish our world, it takes work & effort to make our/your world.
If this is long winded i apologise, “details” vs headlines usually are. I sometimes think people through no fault of their own are trained to read only headlines, see only pictures and not understand the background.
Read/cut/copy/edit whatever it is that “people” posted/commented here,…. that helped you …. and copy it somewhere for easy quick reference when you are feeling a little less then yourself. A Post-it note on your PC.. As A screensaver..etc
I’ll leave you with this (ONE OF MY FAV SPEECHES …hope you like the passion & thoughts ….
People throughout history have always struggled, but they have also conquered their challenges too 🙂
And wish you all a GENUINELY “BETTER” 2012, not perfect. just better.
For those that want to chat/discuss stuff, feel free to contact me via my email or msn (ive posted it here b4..) …is i won’t be here much if at all …. take care all… 🙂
Will you fight for “a better you” in 2012?
Resistance to ‘a lesser/poorer world’ is a timeless quality. Just as others are in their time, so you are in your time.
Life is not about winning, rather it is about participating and having a go, failing, learning and getting back up. It is about you and your relationship with yourself and with others. That is the gist of life.
We all face adverse situations not to destroy character, but grow and build it. If you are never tested in life, then how can you pass it?
Have resistance …. and goodwill in abundance…and fight.
Thank for sharing! I must say that is quite the video and i actually think it may be one of my favorite speeches now as well!
welcome crewde….
i like this video ‘someone’ made also …
oh my God Adastra….where did you get that video…..amazing…
i loved this particular quote with one exception….
All cruelty springs from weakness.
– Seneca
i would add fear to the list for sure….
To add to the video i would like to share something with you if i might…
“The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values it’s normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years.”
R.D. Laing (1989)
Where are you going???….will try not to be selfish and whine…but….i hope it is all good….i really hope to continue a dialogue with you….imo…you are wonderful…you almost speak my language….closer than most others at any rate….sigh….didn’t feel quite so alone for a short while….que sera sera….i hope all is well with you
Love always
glad u liked ..
very much….just wish Niki was around to see it….right up her alley i think….
just bookmark it and pass it fwd to those who might like/appreciate the words …. if only to make them think a little and disengage their mind from what is …to what could be …
thx Amakua…
no no thank you
ur a good soul Amakua….
just saying….takes one to recognize one adastra….Love
are u ok amahua? ur posts/comments of late seem somewhat manic ….given u havent slept ‘if’ i read correctly …for 72 hrs?
this vid echoes my sentiments well ….
show this vid to the few military pple here ….
lon, check this out …..