i am a simple teenager suffering from epolepsy with weed smoking parents and being bullied 24/7 at school i am on psn (ALPHA_96_2K11 if u want to add me ) and i hav a wonderful gf but she has serious anger problems and she mostly takes the anger out on me so and at school i hav no time to concentrate and my xmas exams were sh*t and with the juniour cert coming up i just dont see no point no more so at the end of it i hav made 2 choices for myself either kill 1 of my bullies ,get sent to jail and finaly get some peace or go on a voice chat with my girlfriend ,sit on a leather jacket and set it on fire either 1 i do i will be remembered for so for now i must think
uuuuuuuuummmm. ok, my first question comes from my morbid side: how would you kill these bullies? 2nd question, epilepsy is seizures right? dont take my word for it since im a smoker and on the internet, but last i read marijuana helped with seizures and the like. do some google searches. if youre gonna do something drastic, let it be marijuana. itll calm you down and help you look at your bullies in a different way. i always tell younger people i meet to wait till after puberty to get into alcohol and cigarettes and drugs. let your body evolve without that crap, cut back or out the junk food even. then when youre 19-20, go wild. but if youre thinking of doing somethings nuts, smoke weed and think again.
dude, just ignore the bullies, you’re better than that. i got bullied and had the piss taken out of me throughout my teen years in school. i was so fucking miserable but after i left school i was much happier because you’re no longer forced to be around people you hate… you can do what you want after you leave school and you’ll never have to put up with them again. you’re young and you have your whole life ahead of you. don’t let anyone ruin your life, it’s not worth it. keep your head held high
Attempt to get some type of authorities to stop the bullies.
Try to attend a self defense/military survival combat seminar to learn some real fighting skills quickly.
If the above are not feasible wait for an open moment and either slap one of the bullies in the ear really hard, kick them in the genitals, chop them in the throat, or punch/slap them straight on in the nose. Or kick them in the side or front of the knee if you can get the angle right and not hurt your foot.
These will cause pain and diorientation and time for you to get away.
Or you could try to take your GED early so you can cut out school and move on to adult life.
I recommend getting someone in authority involved over all else.
Killing them will do nothing but land you in jail. And then your life will truly be difficult.