Last night my dad went crazy at my mum for no apparent reason.  Its been going on for 15 years and its been haunting me all my life . My dad has anger problems (and also smokes weed) and because of this i am afraid of other people who do to so im afraid to talk to people.  Because of the argument my parents had last night i wanted to run away so my dad could realise that im not happy with the way hes acting but i couldnt run away cause i was too much as a pussey.  Im a very quiet person so i dont think of standing up for myself so now im thinking of cutting my self to see if it will ease the pain.
Usually smoking weed makes you calm and not anger. Tell them both – equally that thier behavaior is a huge problem.
omg. The exact same thing happened to me. My dad has the worse anger problems ever and he just drinks a lot. and him and my mom got into a big arguement that scared me so much, at the time i didnt have my drivers license or car so i couldnt leave as much as i wanted to. So i just thought about cutting myself, then killing myself. and im a very queit person also and to scared to stand up for myself, i dont know if this made you feel better, but i know exactly how you feel. your not alone.
I advise you not to start harming yourself. It doesnt ease the pain. It seems like it does but then it wrecks your life even more. Its hard to stop.. I know lifes hard, but it will get better if you try :/