Fuck everything, I don’t matter? Im nothing. Every night after I get home from school is cry, all night. I try to be happy then I just over think everything and it makes me angry. The only time I’m ever happy is when I’m either smoking or drinking. I’m young and I’ve already fucked up my life. Why don’t I just die now? I have nothin in my life, my mom and dad are divorced and they both hate me, I never can fucking do anything right. I try and get good grades but I can’t, I just can’t. I try I try so hard to make my mom happy but all she ever does is criticize me. I have no one. I have no friends that I can talk to about this, no one wants to be friends with me. I’m just a fucked up little ***** I guess. Yeah I’m fat, I’m ugly, and have no confidence. I lost the guy who ment everything to me. I never have loved someone as much as I love him. After he dumped me I just haven’t been the same since. I go to school every fucking day just to please my mom. I don’t want to live, I don’t want to be here. Because my life sucks. I have nothing to look forward to every day. I’m sad I’m mad, and I hate myself. The two things I want back is the guy I love, and my happiness. Please god please:(
Hello itsnotyouitsmr
Your still young, you have your whole life ahead of you, i no school is shit and its not a nice place to be i had the same problem when i used to go to school, but stick it out, things will get better, fuck the people in school if they dont want to be your friend then thats their problem, because one day your guna make it, and all those people who didnt wanna be friend will all of a sudden want to no you, keep your chin up thngs will get bettter and hopefully you’ll finish school soon and go of do great things, as for your mum, she does love you, she might not show it but she does, just go to school try your best to get good grades you can do it 🙂 i believe in you and you should believe in yourself! Keep your head held high and try not to worry about what other people think and say! NO your not fat and your not ugly! Why do you say what? what because its what societ says! FUCK society! Just because you may not look like people in magazines it dont mean your not beauitful because everyone is beauitful in there own way it just takes other people to see it! Your time will come ok so take care of yourself x
Oh and as for the guy who dumped you, You may think you love him right now and you cant live without him but you can trust me you can, You will finally meet someone who you will love unconditionally and they will love you back the same way!
I no it may seem really hard at the moment to forget about that guy but you will, things will get better x