Ever since before i was born almost 17 years ago has my family been fucked up.
I have such high expectaions to live up too, and YES this includes suicide.
My uncle killed my aunt, and then killed himself
My cousin committed suicide left a note for his family that read “I’m in the shed”
I have no fucking way out.
MY PARENTS think i’m okay, i’m really not.
Ever since high school started 3 years ago, i’ve been hiding the fact that i cry my self to sleep and that i wish to die. I’ve been close, so many times but i’m lucky to have such a friend to help me out. But he and i have grown apart, and i’m scared. Scared for this time, i can’t go for his help.
So what are the stories, the reasons why i am like  this.
- The guy who took my virginity. He decided to tell the entire student body!
- I’m a size 1. and any single comment that i’m fat i take to heart
- My bestfriend hates me
- the guy i like thinks im a slut.
I’m sorry for your lose:(…Your ashamed to be suicidal???why?If you say that then your sayinq that you hate yourself cause It’s apart of you.Size one Is fat?I think size one Is pretty damn sexy;)lmao.Damn no words can express the whole the quy that took your virqinity told everyoneaqain I’m sorry.You should’ve qotten someone to beat him up!Don’t take away your smile.If your sad then your smile Is all you qot!I believe In you,you can make It:)
Your last line was quite powerful… Absolutely hold your head high and believe in yourself. Don’t be ashamed of who you are… or anything you think, feel, or experience. Everything we go through in life can serve as a steering current. Trust me… I’ve had a ton of steering currents. They serve as lessons. If you believe in yourself and keep your head high, you’ve overcome a big piece of the obstacle.
I should’ve said somethinq like how you said distant.
Damn why can’t I talk all professionail like you (distant.road)and duke of ?yeah and amukua….that’s a compliment.
@ lifeshoribbe
That’s ok. I prefer your way of saying things.
My mum has a degree but my dad was a factory worker. He could not speak as eloquently as all her friends but he always said the right thing.
Why my way,your way Is more Intelleqent.
Being on this site is not about intelligence its expression and understanding. Sometimes it’s more effective to communicate in an uncomplicated way.
You probably think I’m dumb seeinq the fiqht that I had with Gaara and shaolin qumby.I’m not a bad person It’s just that they qot me mad!
Agreed, Duke… if we all contribute in our own unique styles, then we’ve made a contribution to the community.
…. and I don’t think you’re dumb, lifeishorribe. Life involves conflict both online and offline. Stuff happens. Things move forward.
Yeah we all contribute In our own way!I like that.
Please don’t give up. Despite all that please don’t think about dying.
I wish I could be fine, I wish I had the chance to live truly and to my full potential. I would take all the crap and bullshit the world could throw at me if I was given that chance.
Please please don’t think like that, remember once you get out of high school you can be free, I’m sixteen in a hospital and dying, I don’t want to see anyone around me say they want to die, because you have no idea how scary it is.
Please don’t think about the end. Please look forward, the boy who hurt you is a jerk and the guy you like if he can’t look past that ego or the rumours he hears its not worth it. What happened to your family is sad and scary, heck I was scared when my parents died in a car accident, but please please live
Please don’t give up. Despite all that please don’t think about dying.
I wish I could be fine, I wish I had the chance to live truly and to my full potential. I would take all the crap and bullshit the world could throw at me if I was given that chance.
Please please don’t think like that, remember once you get out of high school you can be free, I’m sixteen in a hospital and dying, I don’t want to see anyone around me say they want to die, because you have no idea how scary it is.