the truth about me is that i try my hardest to be someone im not. if i were to go in school right now wearing what im wearing now (leggings, skirt, sweater) people would beat me up and make fun of me. instead i go in there wearing hollister and fancy rich people clothes. i feel kinda stupid when i walk down the hall, and this girl comes up to me and says this (one example) “you know youd look WAY better with a bag over your head right!?” me: “i dont know..” Girl: “well its true!!!” *walks away laughing with her 5 best friends* Me: *runs to the bathroom pulls out a blade, crys my eyes out, and hurts myself*. i hid the fact that what she said hurt me, and i made myself a fool! im not like the other girls. im the complete opposite. i dont like sports. i love playing the piano, dancing around my room acting crazy, singing songs REALLY loud, writting poems, and stories. and no i do not like sports. thats part of the reason im teased too. becuz im not like the others.
we’re all unique. i understand the whole popular people clothing. even though we have uniforms. i love jeans and tshirts. and i don’t have any (well, maybe one that i love) designer name clothing that self-advertises on its products, unless you consider forever 21 a part of that. but i love their clothing. sorry, off on a tangent there. my bad. anyway, what do those girls know? they all probably look the same, anyway. i don’t like sports either. i love piano and books. and, >.> i dance around my room like crazy, too. and sing really loud. especially in the shower. <.< XD don't tell anybody though! jk. just be yourself. you'll feel better about yourself in the long run. own your style, girl! own it! let those girls know that you're not afraid to be yourself. they'll back down eventually, once they know you won't. confidence is key. my email is mary.e.birkhead at gmail dot com.
The funniest thing I realized as I grew older and graduated from school: the people who get bullied and teased the most, esp by girls, are ALWAYS someone they feel jealous of. This can be straight competitive jealousy: like, you are more cute, funny, and/or interesting than they are and they want to humiliate u and hurt u to feel superior
You appear to be less cute, normal, and/or cool then they do, but you still have more creative spirit, inner joy, and/or heart than them and this makes them FURIOUS. They have to hurt and humiliate you to “put u in ur place” so they can convince themselves and others that their life is the Good Life, and not the empty hateful antithesis of an actual good life.
I am saying this as both a former bully and someone who was bullied. I gave up bullying in fifth grade because it made me feel so terrible and empty inside. I lost a lot of frenemies, but that was good. I connected to other girls who were teased for being different or new students, and we protected ourselves by pointing out to bullies how lame and pathetic their insults really were, and generally staying below the radar in high school. I am thankful everyday that I had the guts to reject the haters and survive the social hell that is 1-12 grade ; ) after that, only real dbags
…only real d-bags still bully people
thank you to everyone! and i guess thats kinda true like everything you guys said. i guess its just really hard sometimes!