I cannot stand a new day beginning. I hate the daylight because i live in the darkness. Today begins a new day to struggle through..i dont have alot of fight left in me. The older i get the more tired i am. I use to dream even in the darkest of times…i use to dream of just living a normal life…a decent home..an education..friends..family..job..a littlte money in the bank..i do not dare to dream of that anymore…i use to be a good mom..but ive hurt my boys..and i cant even speak of that…nothing hurts more than the pain of your children. My heart overflows with love and regret and pain for them. The pain of that is unbearable. Already craving drugs..no money for them..doom and damnation hanging over my head..the lonliness in a world full of people…x
Just remember that nothing would hurt your boys more than losing you. If you love your boys, show your love. If you have caused them pain then fix it! You don’t need drugs. All you need is love! (: . Be well!
& Don’t ever stop dreaming! Shoot for the moon, if you miss you will land on the stars. Dream big. Then take steps towards achieving your dream. You can do it. You are strong and awesome! (:
The drugs don’t work,
They just make you worse,
And I know I’ll see your face again