In my whole life of 21 years, i have been a loser only throughout my life, my mom-dad loves me a lot, and i have never been able to make them happy, i just want to make them happy and give everything to them, they have sacrificed a lot for me, and i am such a loser, i could never give them what they wanted, th only thing they wanted from me to get good marks throughout my schooling and college days, which i never could, i have already wasted huge amount of money, more than $10,000 on coachings and education, now the ultimate thing they want me to do is to get a job, i want to be a police officer, that i definitely will become, but the problem is for that i have to prepare for competitive exam, and for that i have to leave the college i am studying in right now, i can’t say to them that i again i want to leave college, which i have already done more than two times…….what will they feel about me, that they have given birth to a loser…….what my relatives will think….i am doing law, from a prestigious university, but i can not carry on my studies here……i want to be an police officer, and nothing else i want from my life……sometimes i feel to end my life but then i think what would my parents feel then…..but i am just a wastage for my parents who invests a lot of money in education and never able to get good mark at all…….what to do??????
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This is a topic I have expertise in. I have a degree and masters in law. My education cost a lot more than that and my parents made a big contribution. We were by no means rich but it wouldn’t have mattered to them even if I dropped out in my final year. This is because money comes and goes. Even if your education does not help your employability, it nonetheless gives you life experiences which are important to you development.
There were many times when I just pulled my hair out and wanted to give up, but I carried on. Your parents probably don’t want you to get good grades, they think getting good grades is in your interest and will make you happy in the long run.
My advice is as follows:
• continue with your course as the investment of time and money you put in will be wasted.
• Approach it without any pressure or feeling of duress. Just do the best you can. Even with low grades, there are opportunities. You can do no more than try your best.
• once you have completed the course, then you can apply to become a police officer.
You sound like your from an Asian family like me, I could be wrong though.
A lawyer can become a police officer but rarely does it occur the other way around. Why give up your Queen for Rook. It’s nonsensical.