Sometimes it may seem as thou i am alone in this world because it seems as thou no one else s in it with me but after watching the movie cyber bully i realize i am not alone there are other people like me out there so what i do is search the net for sites that give info on people like me and talk and relate with them and try to understand them as they understand me and make it known to my self that i am not alone in this world and even if it seemed as thou there are no people i realize that i have God to thank for being there life is too precious and when we take our lives because of the person or persons that bully us they continue living and we stop and what does that get us you think peace i think not dont kill yourself because you think it brings peace peace for who you your wrong it only makes the persons you leave behind you go through hell think about the persons that you love who are there and the persons that love you think about the ones who brought you in this world your parents don’t be scared to talk up. and if it seems like you can’t go any furthet remember let go and let god do the rest bring it to jesus let him bring your burdens for you. and if you don’t start by loving yourself and see yourself for who you truly are then people will continue having power over you. take control you run your life no one else does love you first then you can by pass whatever anyone is saying about you you can do it you are stronger than you think. I love you all bye.
Even thou i wrote this as i re proof it i realize it is an advice i can follow too it sheds lot more light on my life and i hope it does the same for yours too
Oprah had a good show one night…the main message was about forgiveness. “‘Forgiveness’ is giving up the hope that the past could’ve been any different.” Cause we can think about the past and all the wrongs that have been done and it doesn’t change what we experienced. Was it cool?, Definitely not. Any abusive person is hurting big time inside and needs to hurt others. It’s purely a reflection on them and not the person abused. That has helped me, in understanding all the people who criticized or bad mouthed me. Cheers, and take care!