I tried to kill myself by taking a lot of extra strength Tylenol. I ended up in the hospital with liver damage,dehydration, and other stuff. It was the worst pain, I’ve ever experienced in my life. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. My boyfriend and friends felt horrible wondering what they could of done to stop me. My mother cried nonstop. Before you think about committing suicide, think about the pain it’ll cause your family. It’s been 3-4 months since I was released from the hospital with an unsuccessful suicide attempt and I can’t do activities, like track, I was once able to without severe pain. I’m not saying your life isn’t horrible enough to try, but think about what will happen if you are unsuccessful(which is likely), you could end up in a mental institution. When you go back to school, you can expect more bullying. This will time of dark thoughts will end, I promise. Everyone is created in God’s will and to him you are perfect. Please don’t do it. You can get through this. Don’t just give up yet. Chances are you have your whole life ahead of you. Stay strong and smile!:)
I hope that there is no lasting damage and that you can return to the activities you used to enjoy. If not then it’s not the end of the world, just made you more special than you are already.
I have this odd feeling like I know who this is >: 3
Hi Kaylee. Thank you for your effort to spread hope by sharing your ordeal.
I want to echo what Duke wrote too.
Take care and all the best 🙂