your entire life your told your crazy, while the ***** telling you that you are, is beating you to death in your own pool of blood,slamming your head into walls, floors,edges of bunkbed frames,doors,beating you in your privit parts, waiting untill your in the bathroom sitting on the toilet then she walks in and beats you there,tells you that you are nothing every single day of your life, meets guys off the internet, within two weeks, she moves in with them, and you find out , that they are child melesters, and your worker and your teachers that you tell every day dont ever do shit,so you go to school with raggy cloths that havent been washed in months,shoes with holes in um and stale socks,greesy hair, and you are atleast allowed to take a shower, but you know if you take a shower, you will be naked, and either you will be violated or molested or beat, or just watched, or told to leave the door open, and just the thought of a women molesting you as a child to discust me even more,so i act out at school after getting beat up bye bullies, i never got a fucking break, kids would jump me, threaten to kill me, and harrass me in every way they could to,like i was just a toy,so i would get so angry, i would act out in school, and i would getin trouble,why they did something about my actions but not what people were doing to me?then back at the apartment, neighbors would call the cops, cause they would hear them beat me an my sister, the cops would come and mike and karen would say we were out a control(7 fucking years old!)while i was leaning over the toilet with my nose dripping like a fosset,and every lie them sick child molesters made, the cops beielived them,people wonder why i am the way i am, the second i feel threaten or feel like someone is trieing to control me i snap,because it is an awful feeling to feel like that helpless child that cant do shit,so they decide to put me on a million pills for deprression,how the fuck are you sapost to get over something that you know coulda been prevented? you cant,unless people been there, they cant act like they know shit, unless they have slept on the streets at 12 years old because nobody loved them, then these doctors can shut the fuck up, why would any body that goes to shcool to protect these children let it happen for 18 years, then they feel after 21 years that they still need to controll my fucking life? you got to be fucking kidding me,then the dumb doctor said it was my actions wen i was a kid that got me on commitment,i am going to kill you *****!it is never a childs fault, i didnt know how els to react!i was being starved and beaten and locked outside wen they were done beating me, if i wouldnt of hurt myself and put my self in the hospital, i would have starved to death or got killed by a crazy person on the streets, i lived in the fucking getto,iv hurd plenty of gun shots and stabbings, and i was vulnerable cause of how little i was,what els was i sapost to do! cause the enforcers and workers,didnt ever do shit!i had to survive, and eat and find a warm place to sleep,and these bitches didnt understand, i was deppressed, they kept putting me back to them abuseive fucks and it damaged me, so lets put them ass wipes in the same situation and see how they woulda reacted, my god!
this sounds shocking! it might be better off if you left home, im not sure how old you are but if youer 14 years old or older i would personally leave hom and run away, i would NEVER stay with my parents if they did that! do you have any friends that understand you? if you do speak to them in your situation and there mum might be able to take you in and get help for you or you could try and get into foster care and live with anothe family? i don’t know but i would leave them and find someone els better. im 15
Yes, it sounds like you had a terrible childhood and are still suffering the affects of deep trauma.
But the real question is, when will you leave the past where you ha no one to keep you safe, and join the future where you can keep yourself safe?
when im outa hell.still trying to get out.the same things still happen to me,and it all builds up,