I don’t know how long I can keep doing this for. I had planned my suicide for last Tuesday but I got really drunk on Monday and told my auntie so my mum took me to hospital. Now everyone’s pretending like it didn’t happen. I have my exams in less than a week and it’s just another insignificant thing on top of everything else. Although it isn’t a priority teachers and college in general are making me feel lazy and stupid. I wish I could just end it now, go to sleep and never wake it. I’m not scared or upset that I want to die anymore, I wish I could just get it over and done with.
Ha I was trying to commit suicide two months ago. (Not my last time of course) And while I was doing it I text my two best friends goodbye. Well my blade wasn’t as sharp as I had liked it to be and I didn’t die. Of course my best friends told someone and I was sent to the hospital. I was going to overdose in two days if I didn’t accomplish it that night. Either way, after I got out of the hospital everyone pretended it never happened. Nothing is more frustrating than people pretending that everything is ok and that I;m not suicidal. So I know how you feel
Thanks for replying, it’s nice to know others feel the same, I hope you are okay.
I found that when the fear of death was gone (8 months ago for me), it was so much easier (as far as doing something about dying).
I have been there, got really drunk and OD and cops found me, other time I OD and made a mistake of leaving my telephone on (which I never ever do), so someone knew something was up when they called and it rang and I didn’t answer, paramedics saved my life. Have tried 3 other times to kill myself and now I emptied my office completely, police were called, spent more time in psych unit and got out and tried to hang myself. Everyones reaction, nothing. Amazing.
Living with being Suicidal is very, very hard and I find that more and more people really have no idea what it is like to live day in, day out for months on end constantly wanting to die (Unless they feel the same way of course).
Thank you for your reply, it makes it so much harder when people pretend that everything’s okay. I hope things work out for you and you can get through this. Whatever you decide to do just make sure you are happy, Love Sarah.