I have never been rich. There was never a time where my mom had money to throw away. We always have had just enough. But it has never been this bad. My mom has never really bothered me with financial problems. Usually if we are late on a bill or something she just finds a way to pay it. But its gotten to the point where there is no way. My step dad doesn’t work enough to pay for everything and my moms disability check barley pays 1 bill. Everyday something new is getting cut off. Now my mom is selling pot to pay the cell phone bill. She’s going to try to use and almost maxed out credit card to buy some groceries. There have been times when there was “nothing” to eat in my house. But i was just being a brat there was food just nothing i wanted to eat. But now its to the point where my freezer consist of icy’s and freezer burnt chicken patty. My fridge has a gallon of water and rotten left overs. My cabinets are empty and when i say empty i mean EMPTY. Right now I,m in my room sucking on my 3rd icy. I’m so hungry I could eat my foot. It sucks because I feel bad for telling my mom. I mean there’s nothing she can do. She just tells me go downstairs and make yourself something. But she knows as well as I do that there’s nothing there. I’m just so sick of being dirt poor. just wish my step dad would get some over time or something. I’m so miserable. Sometimes i would rather be dead then go to sleep hungry another day or hear my mom ***** about money or get my cell turned off for 2 days every month or hear my mom beg the cable lady to give her til Thursday to pay the bill. Most days venting my feelings makes me feel better today it hasn’t. :/
Hey I’m sorry about that:/Why are you lettinq your mom sell pot?You should be the one to do It I mean alot of people smoke weed so you’ll have aot of costumers at schkool!You can’t qet a job?????
I don’t let my mom do anything. She does whatever she wants. I mean shes grown.
I’m in cyber school. But if I would try to sell pot at the high around here the police dogs would smell it and i would be locked up. And I’m not a drug dealer i would never be able to do that.
I have aplied at over 40 places no one is hiring.
True true
I’m quessinq cyber sckool Is online schkool?Damn yall qot a striked school!Why wouldn’t you be able to do It.I’ve done It before and let me just tell you when you qet the money you just feel so qood to know that you have money In your pochkets.
Do we live In the same city?haha cause I’ve applied to like 50 places and still no response.
And now youre waiting for the police to come to your house? If youre mom really is selling pot, I would not mention it on internet, especially if your IP adress is showing..
Hope you’ll feel better
OMG and lifeishorrible, why the fuck are you telling someone to sell pot? I know youre a so called “gangster” and all, but how about giving good advice or shut the fuck up?
Yes it is.
Yea ever since 4/20 last year shit just got strict.
Because i have nowhere to get drugs from i don’t use drugs and i don’t like drugs. I don’t even want my mom around that shit. It’s illegal and I’m not that kind of person. I smoked a few times in my life but i quit a long time ago. Shit bang nothing but trouble and drama. My mom would kill me if i did that.
yeah finding a job is fucking hard
Youre from America right? Idk but I always heard theyre pretty strict with drugs. In Holland your mom would get maybe a month since she has a “reason”. (which I also would not want to spend in jail) I’m guessing in America youll be locked up for a much longer time. But, no. I would reccomend not mentioning in on the internet anymore. Unless you want to increase the chance of youre mother getting caught of course.
I don’t really think that would happen I mean there are website all over the net that people post stuff about buying and selling drugs. Why would they single my mom out. Amd the cops around here are to busy with school violence to deal with my mom drug dealing to feed me. But if that does happen will blow my brains out.
And thank you i thought i was the only one who thought that was sucky advice
I really hope you feel better. You should know that you have support in us members. I think I speak for all of us when I say we want very much for some success or good fortune to come your way. If you put your mind to it, and with some motivation, I’m sure you could follow through with some great ideas on getting things in your life a little more under control. Something tells me you have the right kind of mind for that.
Chkristina-haha damn you cauqht me on suprise on that one.And she needs money,If not sellinq then tell me what’s a fast way to make money.Wow I feel so offeneded riqht now…..Who In the hell said I’m a qanqster?haha.I hate when people say that!qet to know me first and then talk all the shit you want.
crywolf-Good!Stay sober!Smokinq Is a bad habit!(I told that to someone on here earlier haha)You don’t wanna end up like my looser self haha.Have you ever tried a lemonade stand?lmao
Yeah nobody ever wants to hire!
Mostly those websites are locked for the police. I know a few where you can buy drugs online, I dont know much about computer but I do know they cant get to the owners of the websites for some reason. Its locked and they cant see the IP adress. And if there are forums where people talk about drugs and shit, those people are not that bright. Like I said your mom would probably only get a month in Holland, and I would never ever risk the change to put it on the internet. Never.
If that does happen, theres a slight change they bring you in too. Since you knew about it and that makes you an accessory(is that the right word?) I think you know what I mean right? Idk. Maybe I’m overly paranoid. I would really just not mention it anymore on the internet, or in textmessages or wherever. This is not something you should ever mention to anyone via texting or internet. Ever!
Lifeishorrible, ive read some of youre posts and I know you see yourself as sort of a gangster Im assuming. Thats okay, if you feel tough, you do that. But dont ever give someone that kind of advice. Its just fucking stupid. If you would not post stupid comments, you would not feel offended.
yea i’m from america
But um yea i’m not going to mention it anymore. I was just ranting because i’m hungry and upset and i didn’t think it could get my mom in trouble.
Thank you. that actually makes me feel better. Knowing someone cares and people are listening
I understand you’re ranting, but, this isnt the place for that though. I’m sorry if I came across as irritated maybe? Im not though (except for the selling weed advice, that just makes me pissed) I just dont want you or your mom to get in trouble.
I do hope youll feel better and that you can get a job soon! And besides the pot thing, you should really feel free to rant whatever you want though!
Chkristina-ha It’s not the way I see myself,It’s the way everyone sees me.I’m actually a friendly,nice quy.And If I put myself out there like that well It’s cause It’s true.I qot nothinq to hide and I don’t feel touqh,I feel well le’s be honest,you don’t care what I feel haha.Alriqht qood point let me start all over.
shewolf-Forqet everythinq I said,I admit It was stupid,I just didn’t know how stupid It really was.Let me start over.Have you ever talked to the qood qirl?She lives In Pennsivina(I don’t know how to spell Penn….haha)Maybe she could qet you a job.
I’m going out to the mall tomorrow with my mom and i’m going to apply everywhere. I want to do what i can to help my mom. So things can get better.
Thanks for the advice. somtime i dont think when i say things. I wont , mention that anymore like at all. I love my mom and i would die if anything bad happened to her
the good girl? never heard of her.
From the things youve written and I’ve read you do see yourself as such. thats okay. Its good you realize it was stupid advice.
And also, its not fair to say I dont care how you are feeling. I just stated I dont want you misspelling words (if you know how to spell them) in my posts and giving people fucked up advice. That does not mean I dont care about people’s feelings.
He shewolf, thats good! how old are you btw? Really if you want, take any job you can. If no one is hiring you could always clean places. They always need cleaners.
I’m 16 and yea i will take anything. Babysitting,cleaning,fast food restaurant,department store. lol idc what it is i just need a job.
Well idk in america, but here in Holland you would get a job easily. 16 year olds are cheap (as in you have to pay them less then for example a 20 year old). I hope you can find a job soon!
Chkristina-Can we stop bumpinq heads already????This Is the last place I want to have problems with.I love the SP!Shaolin and Gaara don’t like me,I don’t want another person to dislike me on here.Althouqht I think Gaara has put our differences In the past.I’m qlad cause I said some horrible thinqs to him so I’m qlad he forqave me.So what do you say????
shewolf-Are you new?I’ve only seen like four posts from you,I think?Well yeah the qood qirl comes on every now and then,she Is apart of the SP family and married to ATT (ATT-At the end)haha.Have you ever applied at the mall?
I have like 8 post. I found this website in January when i was looking up the best suicide methods. so i’m pretty new.
Oh well i haven’t talked to either of them.
No. I have applyed at corner stores pet shops and little department stores. tomorrow will be my first time applying at the mall.
shewolf-I’m sorry I feel bad now.I was off by four haha.Yup everyone here ended up here searchkinq somethinq to do with suicide.
Really?I joined In December,do you qet on alot?I do,that’s probably why I know them haha.I’m a looser like that haha.(as you can see I like to lauqh)
Are you qood at computers?A teachker once told me that sadly computers are the future.
I guess that’s just a requirement for becoming a member lol
No not really. I’m never busy i just don’t come on alot.
Yea im 16 and in cyber school i have too be good at computers lol (i laugh alot to. ot healthy)
shewolf-haha your so riqht!haha wow I like that,It makes alot of sense the way you put It,It’s a requirement haha.
That’s probably why I thouqht you only posts four times haha.
haha oh yeah you mentioned that earlier ha don’t I feel dumb.Do you want to pusue somethinq In the computer???Lauqhinq Is qood,qood to the heart!
What time Is It over there?
i actually posted 9 times lol. but i suck at explaining my feelings so all my post suck. That’s why i barley post.
No its just normal school. Like homeschooling. But your teacher talks to you online. I was tired of my old school so i just went to cyber
Its 4:05 am here lol . sleep is one of those thing i kinda suck at i barely ever do it.
what time is it where u r at?
oh and i just finished my 7th icy. icys r just bags of sugar so thats probably why im still awake lol
shewolf-haha please call me life,that’s my name on here haha.
haha well I know this Isent qonna sound qood but you did qood at explianinq the way you feel on this post but yeah that’s why I rarely post to.But I qot 22 posts haha.
Interactinq with people,seeinq cute quys.What’s so bad about that?
haha damn It’s only 3:22 over here.Hey If your sleepy then by all means you can qo to sleep,I don’t want to keep you up and I’m sorry for qiviqn you bad advice earlier and sorry for the bichkerinq on your post:/
haha damn I feel so bad!I wished you lived over here so I could help you!
But I’m so far from you!
lol. ok. i shall call you life.
Thanks. whoa thats alot of posts lol.
I don’t have any friends, there are no cute guys at my school. I just didnt fit in there. I was the outcast lol
Thats still pretty late.
Yea i am pretty tired actually
Its okay. the fighting was pretty entertaining not gonna lie
Where do you even live?
You should like email me or somthing. text? idk i like talking to you lol. Idk how you keep in contact with people on this website. lol it needs a chat room or somthing.
my email is aj1991@rocketmail.com
If you wanna like continue conversating.
im sorry to hear the state your in right now 🙁 selling the drugs is not a good idea but if it means food on the table then i would do it… also apply for as manny jobs as possible! try ang get some more money and if u do get money buy stuff thats cheap
shewolf-haha It doesn’t feel like alot but I quess It Is haha.
What?Stop lyinq,your aaawwwesome!I’m pretty sure you had friends.
No cute quys?Why bother qoinq to schkool then huh haha no I’m just kiddinq haha.I’m not an outcast nor am I the talk of the schkool!
ha then catchk some beauty sleep;)I’m sorry I can be a huqe flirt at times,It’s just kinda hard flirtinq on here cause then yall think I’m weird haha.
ha well It wasent fun for me!I just hope me and her can be cool.
Ill qive you a hint,I live In the best city In Texas!And yes we qot them country words haha no I’m playinq.I just like sayinq that cause that’s what people atimatically think when I say I’m from Texas.
haha damn you made me feel special!I like talkinq to you to,I just didn’t want to say It cause you were qonna think I’m weird but yeah Ill email you!
I have 1 friend all my other friends bailed when i needed them. Only people i really talk to is my bestfriend and my cat (i know pathetic but im serious he listens)
Seriously there are none. or maybe im just picky
Flirting is fun i don’t think its weird lol
Sorry. well you apologized so everything should be good
haha omg my best friend would be so jealous shes the biggest Texas lover.
It’s cool cuz weirdness is awesome.
coolness. Well i guess i shall talks to you later cuz im falling asleep sitting up lolz
and um if its cool wit you when you email me im going to just give you my number because i never check my email. If you cant text or dont wanna give me your number or somthing just tell me. I will check my email just for you 😉
Icy’s for dinner!
Hey, my dad asked me to pay the electric bill this morning and even though that was all I had left to last me the month I still picked up because I just couldn’t tell him about my problems. I’ve got over £500 in pay day advances and the interest just on those is over £100 a month plus credit cards and loans. I did buy food though so I’m not eating icy’s.
I know that’s it’s depressing when you have no money but you will be ok. In the golden temple they make a lentil dhal which only costs pennies to make buts really nutricious and tasty. There are also lots of alternatives like chic peas, potatoes, carrots. You can eat protah for breakfast (stuffed pancake type thing). So learn how to cook young lady.
When my mom went on her drug binges and would disappear for days/weeks… And you have three dogs and a little sister to feed… When you are contemplating the food left in the oven so long it has maggots on it You find a way. Try rice with mustard, or noodles with chicken base. That’s what I did. Also, there are always shelters around that offer food. Churches. You obviously have a computer and a cell phone so these resources shouldn’t be too hard to find. Not having food is not normal, but if you don’t mind me saying, it sounds like your mom’s priorities are a bit off. Considering she is paying a cable bill or cell phone bill before making sure her child is fed properly. I am not judging. I see where my mother’s priorities were when we were hungry. But… I made things happen. It wasn’t easy… But where there is a will, there is a way. You’ll make it through though. Everything happens for a reason.
Hey I couldn’t email you.Email me.hernandez_davis@rocketmail.com.
Or you could always txt me;)832-859-7416.