I guess I’m not quite sure what to do at this point, so I need ur input. I’m 18 years old and ever since 5th grade I’ve wanted to die…or at least I didn’t care to live. In the past few years I’ve been but into a hospital four times due to breakdowns, see I’m stuck in this cycle between life and death and I don’t think itll ever end till th day I die. I’m terrified of existing, and I have several mental Heath problems that have caused me to lose all my friends…I push them away without realizing it, but it’s only because I’m afraid to lose someone I love again. This just caused everyone that wants to know me problems and pain. I guess I just want to leave cuz I hurt people more than make them happy every day…I just don’t kno what to do tho because of my boyfriend, a guy that loves me like no other an has proved it countless times. I love him so much, but I see how it’s taking him down with me I cause too much stress and worrie he can’t sleep because of me he is sad because me and he is getting stomach problems because of me. I don’t want to hurt him anymore, but he says I’ll hurt him even more if I leave…that he couldn’t go on as he’s lost one of his older brother by over dose when he was just a kid. I’m so torn inside I don’t kno what to do…
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I can sort of relate to what you are going through… not about the hospitalization part, but my mother constantly tells me how I am way behind all the other similarly aged persons in the family. I never hear the end of how it’s taken me 10 years to get a 4 year degree, that I’m giving my father a stroke because of all the stress of worrying about me, how I need to get married… As if I don’t feel bad/ embarrassed enough about school, I don’t need her to rub it in. In fact for years, I have cut off all contact with my high school friends (who i miss dearly) because of my shame.
I have a bf who loves me and tells me that he would be unable to live without me (he is being figurative). The secret is not to tell ppl how you feel. Sometimes I tell him that I hate my life, but I never tell him I am going to kill myself because I don’t want him to try and prevent it. I’m actually getting an apartment with him for the duel purpose of having a place to kill myself/ getting away from my family.
I think your bf sounds like a jerk to see you in this desperate state and project the cause of a stomach ache onto you. This is the kind of stuff my mother pulls all the time. I really can’t stand her melodrama anymore. Everything is always about her. It is hard enough dealing with my own problems without having to deal with her reactions to them. I am sure your bf is sincerely concerned, he will get over it. The story of a lover taking their own life will make him more intriguing to other ppl. It builds character
My mother lives for attention, and sometimes I think she would love for one of her kids to commit suicide just so she would get pity from ppl and have something to talk about. I like the idea of being remembered as magnanimous, but sometimes I just want to leave a big” F-you mom, this is partially your fault” section in my suicide note.
That being said though, You are pretty young. I am 10 years older. If I were you, I would go off to college and see if things improve there before you resort to suicide. I don’t know what medications you have tried, but I think you should see if any of them work before throwing in the towel. I don’t know about your current insurance, but you will be fully covered if you are a full time college student. Also maybe consider getting a pet… It gives you a reason to get up in the morning. I would not be here today if it wasn’t for my cat.