You ever look at people around you and wonder “whats going on with me” ever wonder why your sad, lonely, why people you trust leave you, i do, i had a friend we were close and we kinda liked each other then he got a girlfriend stop talking to me, an we still tlk i guess but not the same, never the same he has new friends, an me, well am alone i should have known to keep my life to myself ,now i feel invaded, i feel like everyone knows me, i feel stupid, i feel alone in a world full of people, in class full of individuals, my family no different .I will feel no more am going to cut my emotions no more unwanted tears, no more betrayed trust.I dont no how to bare with this pain i don’t no if i will recover cause my freind is not the only one that hurt me my parents are still at ‘my door’ every now and then my bf if i cancallhim that is not there for me so i am alone in this fight its just you and me god if your watching me this really is a test i will make it through but maybe with less than i started with.I dont know what to do any idea how to fix me so i dont breakdown i need to keep going any idea what i should do?
I know EXACTLY how you feel right now. I used to think i needed help or advise on how to carry on but ultimately everyone in this world will let you down. However, the advise I’d give you (as patronising as it might sound) would be to humour yourself. Get to know yourself a bit more and eventually the rest of the world won’t matter so much.
Good news…you don’t need fixing. No one does really. It’s just us not knowing how to let the good flow in. We focus so hard on what we think we know to be the way things are and we forget to focus on how we want to feel and what we want.
We decide our happiness, and our external world is just a reflection of where we’re placing our attention, our thoughts and feelings. Too many people are operating with the cart pulling the horse scenario. You’re the horse and you decide how you want to feel…YOU! We only want whatever it is cause we think we’ll feel better in the having of it….so why not imagine or create that feeling within yourself now. Take care of that part then start thinking about what it is you deserve to have, experience, own…whatever. This is a conscious choice you must make and practice. When you do this, you’ll realize you just have to find a positive flow within yourself and keep making decisions that support your well being.
You can focus on the drama of your life or you can focus on how you want to feel and be right NOW! This is not criticism, but absolute encouragement. You sound like a fighter. Hope this sheds light for you. All the best!
cont’d…lots of people are in your life for a season. The only constant in life is impermanence. When you flow with that, you’ll know not to take it personally. It’s just life, and it’s meant to be played, so have cultivate courage while playing the game. That way you’ll have more fun.