I’m not here to judge or talk you out of cutting, overdosing, or other means of escaping. Primarily because i myself have been through it all and still am. My life has been a constant shove here and there for me to pick up the blades i keep in my makeup bag. Scars dont bother me, the pain can be grown accustomed to. I have heard just about every cliche from people who swear they want to help. I am not a reject and have always done well in school and outside. I have friends and am not a total failure as a girl. But thats not what matters. The pain i struggled to keep to myself showed no signs of going away anytime soon. Its a game of chance every day, waking up can mean a beautiful day or a bleak, dark one where i just want to disappear. I feel like hell reaching out to people, like who am I to bother their lives with my problems?! So here’s to anyone who comes across my post, I have created an email address specifically for this purpose. Whatever you may be going through, no matter how effing much you feel like leaving this world, if you feel like you dont have anyone who cares, I AM HERE AND I ONLY WANT TO HELP. I dont know you and you dont know me, we can help each other and it wont feel like we’re imposing on our loved ones because we are total strangers. I sincerely want you to be okay and safe so please, if you’re feeling low, email me: shine_through_darkness@yahoo.com. It cant possibly be any scarier than what you’re thinking of doing to yourself, so please, consider it. I’ll always be here for You!
You’re good people.
I just know how hard it can get, and I want to use my experience to help others.
Which makes you good people. ;]
Thank You! Means a lot!